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Thursday, January 4, 2024

JetBlue Kicks Off Three Chareidim Because One of Them Sat in a Vacant Seat

 Three Jewish travelers were ordered off a JetBlue flight this week after being told that an amicably arranged seat swap with another passenger made the flight crew uncomfortable.

The Forward (bit.ly/4aBWUuJ) reported that the incident took place on a December 31st red eye from Palm Springs to New York’s JFK Airport, when an elderly Orthodox Jewish man tried to take an apparently vacant seat in order to avoid sitting next to an unrelated female passenger in his assigned spot. After being told by a flight attendant that he couldn’t stay in the seat he had chosen, the Jewish man tried sitting in a different spot, only to be rebuffed by the flight attendant a second time. Attempts by his traveling companions, two Orthodox women, to explain the man’s religious concerns to the flight crew fell on deaf ears, prompting passenger Ron Passaro to voluntarily trade seats to accommodate the Jewish man’s request.

Passaro’s girlfriend, Rachel Sklar, shared details of the incident on X, formerly known as Twitter, explaining that the Orthodox man was assigned to 18A, a window seat, while she was seated in 19B, next to the man’s daughter in 19A. Passaro traded his aisle seat -20D – with the Jewish man and it seemed as if the problem had been settled with little fanfare until the plane’s captain and a member of the JetBlue security team approached the Orthodox passengers and ordered them off the plane.

“What *was* unusual here – this was resolved pretty easily (my boyfriend gladly switched seats once he realized what the need was) and everyone was seated & waiting,” tweeted Sklar. “Then they were kicked off.”

JetBlue security told the group that the crew was “not comfortable” with their presence on the flight. Attempts by the man’s companion to allow them to remain on the flight asking if they appeared “dangerous” or “unsafe,” fell on deaf ears. A security member can be heard on an audio recording captured by Sklar that “changing seats is a violation when it comes to weight imbalance.”

Sklar also tried to intervene, explaining that passengers were happy to accommodate the man’s request. But her efforts also proved fruitless, with JetBlue personnel insisting that the problem was weight related and had nothing to do with religion. The Orthodox passengers, who were described by Passaro as “svelte,” were eventually removed from the plane, saying that they felt that they were being targeted because they are Jewish.

“They said obviously this is clearly anti-Semitism and I was like ‘It sure seems like it to me.’” said Sklar. “The whole thing was really upsetting. It seemed very unnecessary and kind of bewildering.”

Sklar was mystified by JetBlue’s actions, saying that she has had flight attendants cheerfully make seat changes to accommodate her allergy to cats.

“Flight attendants have a lot of discretion,” said Sklar. “They can switch people around. The weight thing didn’t make any sense.”


Anonymous said...

But, aren't charedim always in the wrong?

Anonymous said...

Pure disgusting provocation from the attendants. This attack against innocent passengers MUST be forwarded to the FAA and to court.

Frum but normal said...

Let me guess the skin color of those flight attendants, would bet you dollars to donuts those anti-Semitic rats were Black.
A substantial segment (not all) are vicious Jew hating antisemites, in addition, white-hating racist's.
They are the Nazi's of this generation