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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

It's Unfortunate that the Supreme Court chose wartime to sow division


The Kohelet Policy Forum, a right-wing think tank, responded with disappointment to the ruling issued by the Supreme Court during wartime today (Monday) striking down the Reasonableness Standard.

“Israel is united,” said Prof. Moshe Koppel, Chairman of the Kohelet Policy Forum. “Israelis from across political, ideological and religious divides are united like never before. Our families are grieving together, our sons and daughters are fighting for Israel together, and even most politicians have put their differences aside.”

“It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court chose Israel’s moment of unity to bring back division,” he said.

“Now is not the time for division,” added Koppel. “Now is the time to put Israel’s national interest first. Now is the time for Israel to stay united and strong.”

The Kohelet Policy Forum stated that "In what may be remembered as one of the most unfortunate actions in the Court’s history, the Supreme Court has rushed a divisive decision, in the midst of a war – simply for the benefit of two retired Supreme Court Justices who wish to leave their personal stamps on Israeli jurisprudence. "The court's 8-7 decision is the first time in Israeli history in which the Supreme Court has struck down one of Israel's Basic Laws, taking upon itself the authority to strike down laws that have quasi-constitutional status.


Garnel Ironheart said...

The Supreme Court is the classic bully. It shoves you and then if you threaten to push back, accuses you of starting the fight.

Anonymous said...

Division? A joke sleight of hand.

They prefer davka this sort of moment.So go whine for a bit,they expect to have the last laugh. As usual.
Start to suspect that decades of external friction have ALWAYS been orchestrated primarily to keep for their continued control a la 1984

Even some Arab leaders have implied that

Anonymous said...

Shiur - Last nail in the coffin: https://www2.kolhalashon.com/#/regularSite/playShiur/37285825/-1/0/false

Magdeburger Joe said...

He hit me back first!