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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Iran Started up with the wrong country now.. Pakistan bombs Pakistani terrorists IN Iran

Pakistan conducted a series of military strikes Thursday morning against insurgents operating in Iran in response to a deadly bombing in the southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan on Tuesday. 

 The Pakistan Armed Forces completed a "series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes" against Pakistani terrorists in Iran's Siestan-o-Baluchistan province as part of an intelligence-based operation named "Marg Bar Sarmachar,"

 Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. The strikes were described as successful by the MoFA and left a "number of terrorists" dead. "Over the last several years, in our engagements with Iran, Pakistan has consistently shared its serious concerns about the safe havens and sanctuaries enjoyed by Pakistani-origin terrorists calling themselves *Sarmachars* on the ungoverned spaces inside Iran," the MoFA said, adding that it has shared "multiple dossiers with concrete evidence of the presence and activities of these terrorists."

Pakistan said the "lack of action" on its "serious concerns" caused the "Sarmachars" to kill innocent Pakistanis without consequence, which ultimately prompted the strikes on Thursday after credible intelligence reports revealed impending large-scale terrorist activities. 

While the country said it "fully respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Iran, it cannot compromise the security or national interest of Pakistan.

"This action is a manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats," the announcement read. "The successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Pakistan will continue to take all necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people which is sacrosanct, inviolable and sacred."

1 comment:

Curry Express said...

They'll need to fumigate any place with blown up Pakis. The stench from those curry fressers is poshut unbearable!