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Monday, January 1, 2024

How are we going to deal with the "Yamach She'mom'nickis?"


by Emailim Batorah 

הלכה ולא למעשה*


How to deal ע"פ דין תורה with the Neturei Karta רשעים
who march together & support the Palestinian רשעים?

Throughout our long history in גלות, there were Yidden (Frum) who were מוסרים (informers)

They profiteered by handing over other Yidden & their property to the Goyishe authorities.

These informers were considered the most despicable Yidden in
כלל ישראל.

Even though capital punishment was abolished shortly before the Churban, the one exception where they continued with capital punishment to this day (when possible & necessary) is for a מוסר.

There were numerous times when they killed a מוסר or managed to have him killed by others.

According to the Rambam, it seems, that it would be appropriate to
hire hitmen to beat, blow the brains out & break every single bone
of these despicable Frum רשעים who openly support רוצחים who
brutally murdered thousands of Yidden.

These despicable Frum רשעים is אסור לרחם עליהם. They have no רחמנות & keep pouring salt on the open wounds of כלל ישראל who are mourning the daily killings  ר"ל of אחינו בני ישראל.
These רשעים qualify as the Rambam's מיצר & מצער לציבור

רמב"ם חובל ומזיק ח:י"א
עשה המוסר אשר זמם ומסר. יראה לי שאסור להרגו אלא אם כן הוחזק למסור הרי זה יענש שמא ימסור אחרים. ומעשים בכל זמן בערי המערב לענוש המוסרים שהוחזקו למסור ממון בני אדם ולמסור המוסרים ביד העובדי כוכבים לענשם ולהכותם ולאסרם כפי רשעם. וכן כל המיצר לציבור ומצערן מותר למסרו ביד העובדי כוכבים להכותו ולאסרו ולקנסו.     

*This Halacha discussion is only for those actively participating & supporting the Palestinians 
& not for those who just have FARKRUMTE Hashkofos

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

For most of us, they are irrelevant. They wouldn't pray in our shuls, won't talk to us and have no interactions. Banning them officially wouldn't change anything.