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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Drunk Arab Terrorizes Brisk On Friday Night...Zionist Police Come to the Rescue!


It was a frightening moment in the famed Brisk yeshiva building in Yerushalayim, when a violent drunk Arab entered the premises on Friday night and began destroying property.

According to reports, a few Bochrim were learning after 1:00AM in the yeshiva, when suddenly they heard screaming and violent noises. They then saw the man, who began breaking anything he was able to grab, throwing down tables, chairs and Seforim, as the horrified Bochrim froze in place.

The man then seemed to disappear, but it was believed that he was still inside the building. Borchim from nearby Diras awaked and joined in the search for the man. he was eventually located in the dining room of the yeshiva. Upon being found, he began breaking things and turned violent once again.

Eventually, Zionist police arrived, and the man was taken to the hospital in handcuffs.

Upon hearing the horror that unfolded, the Rosh yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik said, Bichasdei hashem, no one was hurt and this was “בבחינת השליך חמתו על עצים ואבנים”.


Wannabe Brisker in Mir said...

He was upset that R' AJ wouldn't let him into the Fri Night Chumash shiur. Even being accepted to yeshiva does not guarantee entry to hear all the juicy raid at those sessions

brisker baller said...

lol chumash shiur in brisk is on motzei shabbos, your probably a yagdil poser who couldnt get into the mir either...lol

moshiachnow said...

Must have been a Christian Arab. Muslims don't drink and are peaceful people.

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Will any gratitude be shown? Will there be an inkling of reflection of how, if this happened in the Alte Heim, no one would've come to help them?

Philly Robotics said...

Yagdil is Glazel / Teichman?