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Monday, January 1, 2024

DIN: A Question to those Roshei Yeshiva that compare IDF Soldiers who are "Moiser Nefesh" to Garbage Collectors


זבולון לחוף ישכן  ..  יששכר חמר גרם

"Zevulin shall dwell at the shore of the sea"

"Yissachar is a large-boned donkey"

These words appeared in last week's parsha, when Yaakov on his deathbed blessed his children.

Commentaries are struggling with why Yaakov when addressing Yissacher & Zevulin mentions the younger Zevulin first.

The Rashbam postulates that since Zevulin engaged in trade using ships to trade abroad, it was Zevulin who provided sustenance for shevet Yissachar , allowing the latter to be engaged in the study of Torah, so he, Zevulin is mentioned first for he made it possible for Yissacher to go unscathed and devote himself to Torah. 

Yaakov saw fit to place a son of his who was involved in business, (not involved in putting his life on the line but involved in business,) on a higher pedestal than the one learning Torah because the businessman allowed the Torah Learner to dedicate himself to Torah, yet 3,500 years later a leading Roshei Yeshiva not only doesn't he acknowledge the sacrifice of an IDF soldier, who is protecting those learning, but compares him to a "garbage collector" 

And why did this bully ridicule the IDF soldiers?  

Because this coward is afraid that his talmidim respecting these heroes would come to admire them and maybe they would "chas ve'sholom" want to join. This frightens him! My message to him is, "if you are so worried that your talmidim would want to join them, then you have not instilled the proper love of the Torah in their souls. Someone who loves Torah so much that he makes it his "umnosoh" would never want to leave learning. You must be a very bad mechanich and a poor communicator. Leave your job in Yeshivah and become a garbage collector. 

? זו תורה וזו שכרה


Anonymous said...

Move on.
J Reform was the very best thing that occured, in Israel for the last 7 years
Small people of all stripes are for now nonchalant re: sheer chutzpah of what bagatz did
Maybe that place really is hopeless
Boy, what regret we will have

Anonymous said...

he should not have called them garbage collecters, and that was a chillul hashem, and he apologized. but his point was to drive home to his followers that they must be seperate from the army, because it is an icon of secular israeli society, which is antithetical to torah and frum peoples values, between the lbtgq, the not tzinius etc. etc. yes the rabbi should not have used those words against the heroic soldiers (who are heroes and have a special place in shomayim, see the gemara about harugei lod), but his point is that to maintain the purity of the yeshivas and charedi society, one must seperate and distance themselves from secularism and its society.
it is impossible to join a society and not be influenced by it, no matter a persons chinuch. look at the vast difference in the lifestyles of the "charedim" in america and the actual charedim in israel. this is too long to go into here but the point remains.

Uriah’s Wife said...

This incident demonstrates that garbage collectors are more beneficial to the study of Torah than some Roshei Yeshivot. Especially when those RY spout garbage instead of elucidating proper Torah values.

Anonymous said...

The torah learners protect the soldiers not the other way around

Anonymous said...

This RY needs Therapy and help to talk out his deep emotional problems he has he is a sick traumatized human he need help

Akiva Eiger said...

It seems that Yaakov Aveenu didn't agree with you, but you know better

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

The Roshei Yeshiva of Ashdod and Arad don't seem to agree with you, they all packed up and relocated to Beit Shemesh like little pathetic scaredy cats, unlike our brave soldiers that marched INTO Gaza with song and dance, the RY don't believe that "Torah is Matzil" they just mouth it.

Frum but normal said...

How could any normal person call this filthy deranged rabies-infected sewer rat a Rosh Hayeshiva?.
This vermin this piece of human garbage, has the CHUTZPAH the audacity to call these holy young children of ours who are ready and enthusiastically go into the rats nest in Gaza knowing full well they might not come back alive to protect and save the lives of AM YISROEL, and this filthy monster calls them garbage collectors.

With rabies infected sewer rats, you don't argue or debate
you just fumigate.
These monsters have no humanity in them, they are soulless ghouls who need to be treated as such

Anonymous said...

The whole site is essentially about nitpicky fiddling while the real issues burn havoc.
Bagatz & cronies run the country. & all the decades of sacrifices have now been shown all along to have been in vain r"l.
All these other things that keeps you obsessed makes them smugly happy

Anonymous said...

No no I meant the blogger

Anonymous said...

Huh Since when have you cared for values of that crazed RY?