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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Court Threatens Magazine over Cartoon Bashing Esther Hayut


 An attorney for the legal counsel of the courts system sent a letter to the management and editors of Shvi’I, a national-religious shul weekly magazine, demanding the removal of a cartoon (above) by Or Reichert showing former Supreme Court Justice Esther Hayut planting her flag on the back of a fallen IDF soldier.

The one  below 

 was published in Ha’aretz recently, and shows Minister Orit Struk flying on her witch’s broom above Air Force warplanes and saying, “I smell leftists here.” It was a response to Struk’s daring to ask an IDF representative during a cabinet meeting about the rumors that some pilots refuse to support ground forces on conscientious grounds. Both cartoons are equally nasty, but only one received a special note from a public servant.

“This is a seriously dangerous item that may raise suspicion of incitement to violence,” wrote the legal hack, one Barak Leiser. “In addition, the publication may result in a suspicion of denigrating the court. … You are ordered to act immediately to remove the item from all the media under your control.”

The note from your friendly public servant concluded: “This letter does not constitute a waiver of the right to take any legal or other action, including filing a complaint with the authorized agencies.”

Those of us who grew up or spent some time in a Western democracy are invited to scream in rage, disgust, fear, and above all, astonishment. Yes, Virginia, in the Jewish State posting harsh cartoons of public officials past and present may get you a visit from the “authorized agencies,” and even land you in jail.

Needless to say, this cartoon (below), also by Haaretz cartoonist Amos Biderman, did not get the warning letter. It shows Hayut dumping Justice Minister Yariv Levin in the toilet. Classy.


Anonymous said...

The bagatz are just fulfilling their annointed role.It's a binary:Destroy their entitlement & weaken those who support them or give up already the whole shebang & join the Edah

Anonymous said...

Your comment is so unclear we can only assume you started Kiddush early.