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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Can Chabad Dig out of the Tunnels? Zev Brenner Tries to find out!

 DIN: What I found fascinating is, that right at the beginning of this interview "The Meshichist" Eitan Kalmowitz , makes a profound statement, that "every single Chabad guy believes that the Rebbe is the "mashiach" and that there are no disagreements amongst the parties about that," and he went unchallenged on that remark! This statement is absolutely false!

PS I would like to add something very important: Most Chassidim and Litvishe believe their rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva is G-D, Chabad only thinks he is Moshiach.


Garnel Ironheart said...

Mu understanding is that they all believe the Rebbe is still the Moshiach and just waiting for his Second Coming but the divide is between those who say it out loud and those who deny it because they know how it sounds.

Wake up DIN, stop drinking the Chabad PR machine Kool-Aid said...

"DIN: What I found fascinating is, that right at the beginning of this interview "The Meshichist" Eitan Kalmowitz , makes a profound statement, that "every single Chabad guy believes that the Rebbe is the "mashiach" and that there is no disagreements amongst the parties about that," and he went unchallenged on that remark! This statement is absolutely false!"

Reb DIN - For how long have you been drinking the Chabad Kool-Aid? Do you get your information about Lubavitch just from their fancy PR/propaganda machine, or do you go beyond that? When was the last time you were in Kfar Habad? 770? The statement seems true to me to a great degree. Maybe there are some in Habad מקטני אמונה, like it says by נח, מאמין ואינו מאמין, but even re the so-called 'non-meshichists", the slick actors led by Yudel Krinsky, Moishe Kotlarsky, et al, see what they write and say in their pan klali at the grave at their late leader, about him leading them out of golus.

Anonymous said...

There is a super big difference in thinking the Rebbe ah IS Moshiach AND hoping that the Rebbe ah will be Moshiach.
Also problematic is if you say the Rebbe ah is Moshiach then does that mean Moshiach has arrived? Like Schrodinger's cat can Moshiach be here but not be here?

What he said said...

DIN, your "quote" is somewhat off.

I just took a listen to some of the recording and it went like this:

Eitan Kalmowitz:

"every Lubavitcher believes the Rebbe is Moshiach... Or 99.9%. The machloikes in Lubavitch is whether to tell YOU that. Or over whether that should be a central element of the message that we are saying..."

At a bit after 8:10 in the recording.

Hear it yourself here: https://youtu.be/kfhFYhTo6Z4?t=490