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Monday, January 15, 2024

9,000 Dead Terrorists: IDF Gives Detailed Stats On 100th Day Since Oct. 7


The IDF on Sunday provided a detailed account of statistics related to the ongoing conflict.

Among the key figures disclosed, the IDF reported that approximately 9,000 Hamas militants have been killed during the invasion of Gaza – including two out of Hamas’s five brigade-level commanders.

The IDF’s operations have also killed 19 battalion-level commanders, though this number includes commander replacements from the same battalion. In the northern region, around 170 Hezbollah and Hamas-affiliated terrorists have been killed.

The IDF has arrested 2,300 individuals who have undergone interrogation by the IDF Unit 504.

In terms of military actions, there have been a total of 30,000 IDF attacks on Gaza and approximately 750 on Hezbollah or other terrorist groups in the northern areas. Tragically, 522 IDF soldiers have lost their lives since October 7, with 188 of those killed since the start of the invasion.

2,536 total soldiers have been wounded, with 1,476 categorized as lightly wounded, 672 as moderately wounded, and 388 as seriously wounded.

The IDF also said around 9,000 rockets have crosed into Israeli airspace from Gaza, while approximately 2,000 rockets fired by Hamas did not reach Israel. Additionally, around 2,000 rockets or anti-tank missiles have crossed into Israel from Hezbollah, with around 30 originating from Syria.

The IDF’s efforts to protect civilians include conducting 79,000 direct evacuation phone calls to Palestinians who had not evacuated, as well as dropping 7.2 million leaflets, sending 13.7 million evacuation warning text messages, and delivering 15 million recorded evacuation messages.

In terms of humanitarian aid, the IDF has facilitated the transfer of 7,653 trucks carrying a total of 137,920 tons of cargo. This includes food trucks with 82,330 tons of food, shelter supplies with 16,630 tons, medical supplies with 11,510 tons, water with 17,320 tons, and miscellaneous trucks carrying 10,130 tons of supplies.

The IDF Home Front website has been visited 188 million times, and its apparatus has received 552,000 telephone calls.

Additionally, the IDF said that 1,700 rocket sirens have sounded in Israel amid the current conflict.

1 comment:

Frum but normal said...

What?, one hundred days of heavy non stop bombing and thousands of rocket and tank missiles with almost 200 dead and 1500 wounded, and what has Israel to show for it? a measly 9000 terrorist sewer rats dead
What a waste of human life and resources, what a sick joke this non-war has become.
Any other normal country in Israels shoes, would have obliterated Gaza in the first seven days.Israel should have carpet bombed that hell hole without leaving one house standing and turning it into a parking lot.
Remember how Berlin, Dresden and Hiroshima looked after the last world war, that's exactly how Gaza should have looked after the first week.
Instead of 9000 dead sewer rats, there should have been 900,000 dead rats.
There are NO innocent civilians in Gaza, and the whole world knows it, these filthy rats voted for Hamas support Hamas, exactly like there were no innocent Germans or Japanese and millions were killed, that is the only way you execute and win wars.
God have mercy on the land and people of Israel who are being led by leftist cowardly murderers whose life of the enemy is more important than the lives of their own young soldiers, and who willing to sacrifice their own young holy soldiers on the altar of leftism to satisfy the antisemitic swines of the EU the UN and that demented sewer rat in the White house