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Monday, November 6, 2023

Why Is Lakewood Vaad Pushing Avi Schnall When he Voted for the "assisted suicide" law?

From Yudel's Blog


First Time Made Public: an audio of a crucial conversation between Rabbi Heshie Hirth Z"L and Rabbi , on the very day Assisted Suicide passed the NJ State Legislature by one vote (in each House).

Important Excerpts:

Rabbi Hirth: (beginning of audio: ) 

1. Rabbi Hirth spoke with Avi Schnall about the Assisted Suicide bill.

2. Avi Schnall predicted an "overwhelming" passage for Assisted Suicide. (This clearly discouraged Rabbi Hirth from taking further action that would have almost certainly stopped Calabrese from voting Yes that day.)

3. Schnall did not even alert him (Rabbi Hirth) to call Assemblyman [Clinton] Calabrese, the relatively new Assemblyman representing Passaic. 

4. In fact, around the midpoint of the audio, Rabbi Hirth acknowledged that he doesn't even know the name of the new Passaic Assemblyman - despite having spoken to (the great savant) Schnall.
If this audio is posted, it is important to avoid  unnecessarily posting any part thereof that reflects poorly on Rabbi Hirth Z"L.  Of course, the parts of the audio that show the grave dereliction of Avi Schnall must be publicized at this point in time, to avoid the tzibbur putting him into public office, where he's liable to make his previous Career Chillul HaShem track record pale in comparison with his future career.


Anonymous said...

My colleagues were involved in this together with Rabbi Pruzansky &others could instruct the public how much of counterproductive mess Schnall was
Schnall ran ,was a laugher , dropped out,is back now as a serious candidate?

Anonymous said...

Lakewood higher ups work very hard to keep the "Oilum" gullible, and they can feed them anything at all.

Yes, It's working.

That is not what Reb Ahron or Reb Shnuer intended to happen, but it's a new regime.

Anonymous said...

As a long time participant and adherent to Agudah/Moetzes, I want to update Klal Yisroel to the current status Agudah/Moetzes.

It's all for the Agudah convention that draws thousands of people and enables many speakers to participate as a freebie for a nice extended Shabbos retreat.

I and many others stopped participating in their conventions.

Now we reached a plateau, where a member of Aguda/Moetzes calls "Korach", others that disagree with their agenda decisions, We are discontinuing following anything coming out of that group.

It's not based on our Torah Mi'sinai's Mesorah.