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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Mark Levin Rightly Calls Out CNN Anchors as Self Hating Jews,, CNN Does not like this one bit and Gets White House To Join in Condemning the Truth


Fox News Radio host Mark Levin stirred up fierce reactions to his show this week when he rightly criticized CNN's Jewish anchors.

Levin spent a segment on his program, the Mark Levin Showclaiming that the network is “filled with a lot of self-hating Jews.” True! 

He then went on to zero in on Wolf Blitzer, claiming that his parents “weren’t victims in one way or another, of the Holocaust,” and Jake Tapper, who he referred to as “a propagandist for the enemy.”

CNN made a statement Thursday to correct the record. Additionally, the network called for Levin's "dangerous, offensive" comments to be "universally denounced."

"Wolf is the child of Holocaust survivors and all four of his grandparents were murdered during the Holocaust, a fact that Wolf has personally reported on through a special documentary, trips to Auschwitz, written reflections, and decades of public speaking on Holocaust education and awareness," CNN said. "Mark Levin’s comments about Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper were wildly uninformed, inappropriate and shameful."

Deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates went on to issue a condemnation on behalf of the Biden administration on Friday.

“Not only is Fox News aligning with those who fan the flames of hate — Fox is paying their salaries,” the statement read. “Sadly, this is not the first time in recent months that a Fox News host made sickening remarks about the Holocaust. What’s more, it isn’t even the first time this week that a Fox host chose to abuse their platform and spread hate.”

Bates also called out Fox host Jesse Watters for "saying he’s ‘done’ with Arab Americans and Muslims.” This was the second time that Bates made a statement regarding Watters, as he issued a statement shortly after the comments were made Wednesday. The next day, Watters did not appear on The Five due to an event in California.

Levin repeated his comments in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, when he called Bates a "proven liar." Included in the post was a link to an article that quoted Bates as denying President Joe Biden ever met any Burisma executives, which was later disproved.

1 comment:

Kapo Konvention said...


Multiple posts with their own comments section on Avi the FAT FERD Schnall who in some ways is worse than Friedlander. The Agudah Fressers are in cahoots with him, peddling a bunch of LIES & bullying dissenters, to get him elected this Tues