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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Unbelievable! Satmar Newspapers Reporting on the War Take Their Stories Directly From Hamas News reports!!


I don't know whether I should laugh or cry! 
Instead of reporting the news from an Israeli or better yet a Jewish angle, the Romanians in Williamsburg take their News from either Al Jazirah or BBC . 

Truthfully speaking, this is very dangerous since Der Goy and Der Blatt'ah have a combined circulation of over 500,000. 
Even during a time where Jewish blood is pouring on the streets of the Holy Land, and at least 600 bodies are still not identified because they were burned to a crisp and have yet to be buried, these gypsies continue their hate against the one and only Jewish State and the home of over 7 million Jews. 

I decided not to translate this vile crap, suffice it to say that they are bemoaning the "civilian deaths of men, women and children in Gaza"
stating that as a fact and admit that "this is what the Hamas spokesman reported" 

Message to Satmar: Take you "chesed" and stick it with the sun will never shine. 
Look at the chesed in Eretz Yisrael, the chesed of the medina, chesed being done 24/7 without any Satmar help. 



Sholem said...

Der Blatt'ah is the name of a terrorist camp near Shechem

shea said...

where do you get the crazy number of a circulation of half a million for those newspapers??
I would be really surprised if they sell 30 thousand copies combined worldwide.The Forvets Yiddish newspaper at its PEAK around World War 1,was under 200 thousand copies at a time when millions of Jews spoke Yiddish as a mother tongue.
I agree that these newspapers are similar to Pravda and need to be called out