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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Saudi prince on Nasrallah's speech: Axis of Resistance is a big lie


The Saudi Prince Abdulrahman bin Mosaad, launched a sharp attack on the Secretary General of Hezbollah on Saturday, Hassan Nasrallah, after the speech he gave regarding the war in Gaza.

Prince bin Mosaad said "There is no doubt that the Axis of Resistance is a big lie. The 100,000 missiles and massive weapons that Hezbollah has, have nothing to do with supporting the Palestinian cause.

"The so-called Axis of Resistance has been dealing with the Palestinian issue for years and is only a means of implementing Iran's agenda in the region," he continued.

"Hassan Nasrallah's speech in which he said that Operation Al-Aqsa flood is a Palestinian operation only and that the resistance axis was surprised by this, and everything that was said in the speech dropped all the masks."

He then said: "All illusions based on loud slogans and resonant speeches should fall with him. Nasrallah did not believe his own speech until he said that all efforts must be made to stop the war in Gaza. Why do you say what you do not do? It's so disgusting that you say what you don't do.

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