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Wednesday, November 8, 2023




Anonymous said...

Who should I be more angry at, them or Hamas?

Eli Davidson said...

The NK claim that the State of Israel does not represent all of Jewry. It would be more accurate to state that the Neturei Karta do not represent all of Satmar. it would also be fair to say that the official position of Satmar today does not accurately reflect the views held by the late Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum.

I had a conversation with the Dayan, Rabbi Shmiel Fried, who told me that he was present at a protest demonstration held in 1972 in Manhattan in front of the hotel where Golda Meir, then prime minister of Israel was staying. The protest was held at the behest of the Satmar Rebbe. It was learned that Arabs (they weren't called Palestinians at that time) were also holding a demonstration on the other side of the building. The Satmar demonstrators made a call to their Rebbe asking if they should join up with the Arabs. The Rebbe was manifestly agitated. He ordered his followers to immediate cancel their protest and come home. "The Arab agenda is not our agenda, and the Arab struggle is not our struggle. It is critical that these issues are not conflated."

Today's Neturei Karta are so distantly removed from Judaism as to represent an entirely different religion. What irks me the most is the deceitful nature of their ideology. When the NK join Palestinians do they make it clear that they, the NK, believe with complete faith in the future advent of the Melech Hamoshiach, who will restore the kingdom to the seed of Dovid Hamelech, and who will rebuild the Beis Hamikdosh on the site of the Temple Mount? Do they make it clear that although Moshiach should tarry, still they long every day for his coming?

I highly doubt that the Palestinians will have no issue with supporting that belief.

So, either they, the NK, conceal their true ideology from those they claim to support, which would make them as deceitful as Hamas themselves, or alternatively, they do not believe that all the Jewish people are destined to ever return to their ancestral homeland, in which case they are bigger apikorsim than the worst Marxist Zionists.