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Monday, November 13, 2023

Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Disparages Jewish "Achdus" While Jewish Blood is Still Spilling on the Streets


 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh Yeshiva of Telz and Lakewood Mesivta, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and author of about 80 seforim on Shas and Tanach gave a drasha and he said at around 27 minutes, that "the whole idea of going to the Washington Rally is treif like chazer. It’s not going to help, it’s going to make it worse – and it destroys the entire purpose of why Hashem brought this tzara on klal yisrael. As it’s exactly the opposite of what Hashem wants from us."

DIN:  See photo below when American Rabbanim went to the White House during WW2 to Demonstrate. Was this also "chazir trief?" So now "achdus" is "chazir treif?"
"It's not going to help?" It's going to help us in Israel knowing that our brothers and sisters are supporting us. Hashem wants Jews to go out yes daven but also to show the US government that we are backing our brethren in Israel while the majority of goyim are protesting in behalf of the barbarians. It's very important ! "its the opposite of Hashem wants from us?"  You know that Hashem doesn't want "protests?' When did Hashem tell you that? When and where? 

"The hate of the non-Jews is unprecedented across the world and every gov’t – it’s going to become extremely dangerous outside Eretz Yisroel, (quoting
"רבי יהונתן אייבשיץ / יערות דבש  but in Eretz Yisroel we have the extra special shemirah from Hashe: 

DIN: I agree it's "going to become extremely dangerous outside Eretz Yisrael, we don't need a "yaarois Devash" to tell us that, which is precisely why the Jews must come out and protest! 

"Rachmana Latzlan, the demonstrations are counter-productive, the Arabs, Muslims and non-Jews are going to counter demonstrate, and they have much more people then us, and their malice and cruelty, it’s opening up a tremendous sakana gedolah. It’s going to antagonize all the colleges, non-Jews, and the Muslims."

DIN: The demonstrations are actually not "counter-productive" the protests for freeing the soviet Jews was actually very productive putting their plight on the first page of the New York Times. In fact R' Moshe Feinstein z"l was initially against the protest but then retracted when he saw that protests were in fact forcing the Soviet Union to allow the Jews to emigrate. 

"These rally’s should stop, and we should not go to these places. We do not belong in this places. They can incite the non-Jews around us. Chas v’shalom to think that this is what Hashem wants from us

We have to be careful and not go there. It’s not our salvation."

DIN: "they can incite?" Hellloooooow? are you even home? Do you know what's going on? A protest will "incite" 
What "protest" incited the three crusades? What "protest" incited the Spanish inquisition? What "protest" incited Chmelnitsky to murder hundreds of thousands of Jews? What "protest" made the Nazis murder 6 million Jews?"  So naive ..and you rabbi doesn't know what Hashem wants! 


Anonymous said...

Satmar Rebbe blasts neturei karta in a speech to thousands of chasidim calling them strengthers of murderers anf michalel shem shamayim https://www.bhol.co.il/news/1616897?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=robot

Eli Davidson said...

This is very disturbing. I am a child of Holocaust survivors, but my father referred to me as "der Amerikan chokoladnik", the American chocolate eater, because I was born and raised in the land of plenty, who never experienced hunger or deprivation.

In my maturity I realize how right he was.

I can accept mussar from the likes of Rav Aron Labe Shteinman ZT"L who never tasted one drop of Olam Hazeh. I am completely turned off by someone who was raised on Hershey bars and Cholev Akim ice cream who today sits in style and comfort and now decides what is "treif vee chazzer". One can know every Reb Akiva Eiger on all yeshivisha mesechtas, know every Reb Chaim al HaRambam, be elected to the American Moetzes, and still be an Am Ho'oretz.

We have forgotten the job of a Rabbi is not to dictate, but to teach, to instruct, and to persuade. The Rabbi must demonstrate his opinion is supported by the Torah, not merely issue a fatwah. I would argue the following: This gathering is a not a protest, but a plea to the White House not to give weapons to the Arabs to help them destroy the Jewish nation. The American political system is not a parliamentarian one. Politicians have no conscience; they don't stand for any moral principal. Their only goal is to be elected and they are only persuaded by public opinion. Unless they are shown that a large number of Americans are asking for the White House to support the Jews, the government would actually be on the side of Hamas. Look what is happening on college campuses all over the country. Does anyone believe that this blatant Antisemitism has no effect on government policy?

Why is the Rabbi convinced that this gathering negates the call to Klal Yisorel for Teshuvah? In time of Mordechai and Esther, did not Mordechai instruct Esther to plead with the king? Indeed, Esther responded that Mordechai gather the Jews for fasting and prayer, while at the same time she will plead with the king. And what was her plea? That the Jews be allowed to defend themselves and that the king should not assist those who rise up against the Jews. How is this any different than petitioning the government other than the fact that it isn't this Rabbi who is the one to lead the assemblage.

Yes, I know. Those times were different. Mordechai was a member of Sanhedrin. Esther had Ruach Hakodesh, And Daniel the Navi, was alive at the time to give guidance. But this Rabbi is also none of these things, yet that does not stop him from making pronouncements as if he knows the mind of Hashem.

When I told my son that I want to join the gathering in Washington, he was incredulous. In his opinion this was a political act, a promotional stunt that would not be in any way helpful. I responded that if Chas Vesholoom, he was one of those held hostage, he would want me to get as many people in Washington as possible.

The hostages may not be my children, but they are my brother's children, and my sister's children. I wish the Rabbi felt the same way.

Dusiznies said...

Spot on כל הכבוד

Anonymous said...

Sorotzkin family business depends upon people thinking that all tzeddoka money and Israeli taxpayer money should go - through Sorotzkins - - to yeshivos.

Anonymous said...

The Rabbi is 100% correct. Instead of sounding off perhaps listen to his whole message first. The idea that we are starting to think it is in our hands to sway the politicians, or that our actions will dictate what happens takes away from the need to understand that all is from the almighty and it is not us but only the one above who will save us.

Our job is to continue the incredible chesed, the increase in tehillim, Torah learning and love for each other. Let's focus on that and leave the ways of the politicians to the almighty. Layv melochim beyad Hashem and Hashem doesn't need our help in that area. He's got it. He needs us to just serve him better and all will be fine

Someone that grew up near him said...

Not that I agree with this position of his, or any others, but to slander him of being raised and mired in american consumerism and that he only knows the yeshivishe raid is the farthest thing from the facts. He lives a lifestyle, and has always lived a lifestyle, that is far removed but any moseros or gashmiyus. He is a masmid atzum who is one of the biggest talmidei chachomim of our generation. His seforim span all of tanach and Torah shebaal peh. He lives very similarly to R Shteinman. You can feel free to argue with him but know who it is you're slandering and besmirching before you do so.

Anonymous said...

To " Someone that grew up near him"
You are a liar! You comparing his home to Rav Shteinman z"l? Are you insane? Look at his leather chair! And we in Judaism do not judge a Rabbi by his books, we judge him by his actions, and this action was a Chillul Hashem!

Anonymous said...

To eli davidson.
Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin is the farthest thing from an am haeretz, he has authored over seventy seforim ranging from the entirety of tana"ch to the entirety of talmud bavli and yerushalmi,truly one of the biggest talmidei chachamim in the current generation.
His stance happens to be the same as Rav Ahron Kotler who noticeably did not attend the rabbis march,because he knew that it will accomplish nothing, but rather a moment for anti-semites to relish, as sadly proven by history.
Regardless of whether you agree with his comments to disparage him personally is ridiculous. It is very possible that the rally will be counter-productive, which in itself is a fine reason to not go, and his call for teshuvah should not be taken lightly,every action g-d takes is a sign, and should motivate us to repent from whatever ill things we have done in the past

Anonymous said...

The critics have merit.
But it's ironic that whatever your pet hobby
is ( &supporting Israel has become a full blown hobby)
a priori your opponent is a Desecration

Dusiznies said...

Rav Ahron Kotler didn't go, true but he never said why, and he kept quiet.
Your notion that "history proved otherwise" is totally ignorant and out right false. That protest made an unbelievable mark on the American people as they media gave it extensive coverage and a tremendous amount of money was collected as Harav Weismandel himself noted in his memoirs, and it did save at least some Jews. It didn't work because FDR was a tremendous antisemite and refused to meet with them. The protests at the UN to free the Jews in the then communist Soviet Union made a tremendous impact and the Jews behind the iron country said that it gave them tremendous chizzuk. This rabbi, unlike Rav Kotler called this gathering of "achdus" "Chazer Treif" this statement is a Chillul Hashem
במקום חילול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב
He and his supporters should be ashamed of themselves.

Frum but normal said...

Just watching the video, you can see very clearly, this guy ain't playing with a full deck, he is missing some vital screws up there.

Anonymous said...

The deference that the chareidishe velt gives to 'daas Torah' is incredulous! Certainly, all of our thoughts and decisions have to comply and conform to the Torah perspective. But can we not also follow our own gut as well as to what daas Torah would be? Do we have to sacrifice our intellect to someone who admittedly has had his nose in a sefer all his life?? If indeed a talmid chochom has been shteiging for all these years, respectfully, how is he qualified to opine regarding world matters and politics? What exposure and experience has he had in these issues?? None!! It's time to take back our brains and make decisions on our own instead of relinquishing them lock, stock and barrel to someone who has no understanding in oyloym hazeh. And this is not only in this area but in others as well, v'dal.

Frum but normal said...

You can be the biggest LAMDAN and TALMID CHACHAM and GADOL HADOR, but if you are missing the fifth SHULCHAN ARUCH which is common sense, you are worthless.
And this so called Rabbi is exactly what CHAZAL described when they said " KOL TALMID CHACHAM SH'AIN BOI DAAS NEVAILAH SERUCHA TOV MIMENO"