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Monday, November 13, 2023

Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar Slams Neturei Karta for Marching with Murderers


In a recent drasha, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar slammed the so-called Neturei Karta, Jews dressed up as Chassidim who go to march shoulder to shoulder with terrorists in protest against the State of Israel, claiming that they are perpetuating a shitah of those who are against the secular medinas Yisroel.

The rebbe sharply criticized the radical group, stating, “They move around the world shamelessly, supporting acts of violence. They walk with a shtreimel and bekeshe, shouting together with Israel’s enemies and murderers.


Garnel Ironheart said...

Of course, their go-to text is the first Satmar's sefer.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm confused...are they with NK or against them?

Anonymous said...

Don't be confused he was under tremendous pressure, he still did no action against them, allows them in his institutions and they inter-marry

Frum but normal said...

The sad fact is, that these filthy criminally insane sewer rats of NK were brought up and educated in Satmar.
That is where they were brainwashed in their insane and pathological hatred towards our God-given Eretz Yisroel.
Yes, they were thrown out of Satmar because of their extremism, but it is Satmar who has spawned and educated these sewer rats to hate Israel and their fellow Jews. They cannot honestly say YODAINU LO SHOFCHU DAM HAZE.
Just like the PLO can’t wash their hands from Hamas or Islamic Jihad, because it is they who spawned these filthy monsters.

Sachdis said...


Actually, this is what Satmar Ruv said about NK