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Thursday, November 16, 2023

LOW-LIFE Hypocrite Shumer After Speaking at March for Israel Votes Against Bill to Support Israel

At the  March For Israel, Schumer took center stage, proudly declaring himself as the “highest ranking elected Jewish official in American history.” With the fervor of a passionate advocate, he proclaimed, “We will not rest until Israel gets all the assistance they need! We stand with Israel!” These words undoubtedly resonated with the crowd, evoking a sense of solidarity and commitment to supporting the nation of Israel. 

However, the stark contradiction emerged when Schumer returned to his office on the very same day and cast a vote against providing assistance to Israel. This apparent discrepancy between his public statements and legislative actions has left many scratching their heads and questioning the authenticity of Schumer’s commitment to supporting Israel.


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On Tuesday, the Senate witnessed a partisan divide as members voted to table a motion to proceed with the House-passed bill, aiming to allocate $14.3 billion in emergency aid to Israel while offsetting the costs through cuts to the Internal Revenue Service’s budget. The decision followed an unexpected move by a faction of Senate conservatives who surprised Democrats by presenting the motion to advance the House bill—a measure that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had previously dismissed as a “total nonstarter.”

Schumer, a  pretend staunch ally of Israel, dismissed the House bill earlier this month as “unserious and woefully inadequate,” pointing out that the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would add $12 billion to the budget deficit.  

The Senate voted 51 to 48 to table the $14.3 billion in emergency aid. Well thanks for the nice speech Chuck! 

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