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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin Slam Randi Weingarten For Mocking White House Minyan

  On Tuesday in front of the White House, prior to the massive rally, there was a beautiful scene, when a huge crowd of Jews davened Shacharis, led by singer Beri Weber. Conservative talk host Mark Levin tweeted the video, and in response, Randi Weingarten, the Jewish President of the American Federation of Teachers, mockingly and despicably replied: ‘Where are the women?’

Weingarten got heavy backlash from Orthodox Jews for her ignorance and intolerance.

Levin himself replied: “You’re such a contemptible moron. Get off my timeline you idiot.”

Ben Shapiro tweeted: ‘This woman is a complete idiot.’

Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of Tiktok, tweeted: ‘What an ignorant tweet. This is embarrassing even for you’

In addition, Twitter’s ‘community notes’ corrected Weingarten’s absurd tweet, saying: “Orthodox Jews have gender separated prayers for thousand of years. The women were on the other side praying and would not be visible from someone recording in the “men’s section.””

Other frum Jews slammed Weingarten as well.

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