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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Is Abby Stein a (He/She ) a Spokesperson for Hamas??

Before and After



Anonymous said...

abby might have left the anti zionist williamsburg lifestyle, but the anti zionist williamsburg lifestyle never left abby.

btw, given the strange history of nk and the edah charedis, she/he probably now has a stronger chance of getting a shtelle for either group, just google "the poetry of dr jacob israel dahan", or "the personal diary of dr jacob israel dahan" and you'll know what im talking about...

it could abby is secretly coveting a shtelle and is doing this as a "probe" of sorts so she/he can be noticed and become the nk's offical spokeswoman/man.

Garnel Ironheart said...

Can't fix stupid. Duct tape its mouth, maybe, but that's not a realy fix.

Anonymous said...

a shame we lost a good orator

Anonymous said...

Nebach, such a pathetic example of a mixed up piece of chilul Hashem...

lessor said...

Two Tousand, rather that "Thousand". He may have transformd himself into a woman, but can't get rid of his chassidish pronunciation.

Anonymous said...

Shtik dreck

bliondie said...

sick puppy

Sabra65 said...

I heard Abby is sorry and wants to become a man again, but just doesnt have the balls to go through with it.

Anonymous said...

Let he-her try to go talk in Palestine. Let me see if she-he will walk out alive.

Anonymous said...

He-She talks like a real satmer Williamsburg fund raiser at a dinner

Anonymous said...

He can always go to Iran they love trannies (serious look it up they have the second most tranny surgeries in the world and accept any man who got one as a full fledged woman, to the point they allow them to “marry” another man.)

Khomeini Actually bought that garbage and Iran still worships the dead terrorist

Anonymous said...

Let Abby Stein try walking around Gaza... she won't be waking but thrown from a rooftop.

He won't be safe while he keeps doing what he is doing.

Start preaching "don't kill -- a bare minimum" to those who will enjoy raping him before throwing him from the rooftop.

Anonymous said...

sick puppy who recently married a woman. Doesn't know where he belongs. It's pretty obvious- a psychiatric hospital.

Anonymous said...

I understand the attitude and if I was not Jewish I might actually agree however being Jewish I identify with the Jewish people and even if wrong I have to be right.She has a point about creating more terrorists when people are killed however on the other hand Israel cannot sit idly by while terrorist mass murder its people. No one wants war and every western country would do just as Israel is doing if attacked to such a degree. Speak to any Palestinian in the West Bank and they always said that Gaza is a bunch of extreme lunatics and they were afraid to go there as I have spoken to many in the past.