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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Satmar "Der Yid" Follows Hamas False Narrative and Report that "There is little evidence that Hamas Used Shifa Hospital for Terrorism"


This is unbelievable ! Incredible! 

In the above article the Romanian peasants who call themselves "Satmar" mock in Yiddish, gleefully reporting that the "IDF could only show a handful of weapons and proves nothing." 

How sick and perverted are these so called "Chesed" people? While Jewish blood is pouring on the streets, Satmar's Der Goy are mocking and happily suggesting that the IDF doesn't know what they are doing!

The Biden White House has confirmed that Hamas used the hospital for terrorism, but Satmar following the Hamas and leftist narrative mocks and denies this evidence!

This just in: While I was typing these words, I24 News just reported that the IDF found laptops in the hospital with valuable information including videos of the hostages. 

As the soldiers entered the hospital complex, they engaged with a number of terrorists and killed them. Following this, during searches in one of the departments of the hospital, the troops located a room with technological assets, along with military and combat equipment used by the Hamas terrorist organization.

In another department in the hospital, the soldiers located an operational command center and technological assets belonging to Hamas, indicating that the terrorist organization uses the hospital for terrorist purposes.

The technological assets and extensive intelligence information were transferred for full review by the relevant authorities.

The IDF says it is continuing to operate in the hospital complex while extracting intelligence information and preventing harm to the medical teams and civilians sheltering there.


Garnel Ironheart said...

Okay, but to be fair, the IDF led us to believe the central command bunker was under the hospital along with the hostages and that taking the building and going downstairs would be the end of Hamas. So far all they've found is stuff used in attacks but the big payoff we were promised is still missing.

Anonymous said...

Could a boycott of their advertisers be implemented, until the newspaper changes its ways? If we send a loud and clear message to the advertisers that we will refuse buying their products advertised in Der Yid - a Jewish newspaper that purposely mis-informs and feeds directly into the narrative of our enemies - perhaps this Jewish tabloid would be more responsible with their reporting.

Anonymous said...

You can say what you want, but these photos are quite disappointing

Akiva Eiger said...

You are "disappointing!"
The IDF Gives out very little info when they are at a strategic place like the Hospital. Even the antisemitic US State Department said that Shifa Hospital sat on top a Hamas operating place. Hamas had 3 weeks to clear out and hide like rats in the tunnels. There is clear evidence that Hamas was operating from there and that the Hostages were there.
Also, dummy, the point of DIN"s post was how these Satmar gypsies mocked gleefully at the IDF!
Shame on you for sticking up for the "hamas Lovers"

shea said...

i do not understand why people who disagree so vehemently with satmar still support their hechsher and products.they need to know that to be very careful before they run their derrieres or mechilehs

Anonymous said...

Basically they are saying what everybody is thinking, journalism has got to be honest, the guns are separated by a foot one another. And believe it or not. Not everyone loves Israel and they are all laughing . You rather not publicize any pictures

Dusiznies said...

I did not translate the yiddish article because it was a disgusting vile attempt to mock and denigrate our brave children in uniform that are defending the Jewish people. I gave the gist of the article which is that they were happy and reported with glee that the IDF found nothing. If other media like BBC and CNN wrote that I would not expect any less, but from "Chesed" Jews mocking and making choizik while Jewish blood is being shed is the vilest sick and perverted thinking of the Satmar gypsies.
Turns out that because of the info that they obtained in the hospital they were able to pinpoint where the body of that hostage that Hamas murdered was,; it was in an apartment on the same block. The Biden administration and the British administration both reported late last night that there is now 100% proof that Hamas used Shifa hospital as a headquarters for their genocide of the Jewish people.
Any comments defending the Hamas Lovers called Satmar will be deleted, I suggest you post it on Al Jazeera