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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Puts On Tefillin



Stop the Lubab Chabad idol worshippers now said...

Did he accept the dead Rebbuh as his Lord and Saviour?

What craziness, what an outrage.

What is wrong with those Lubavitchers, they have to force their משיח שקר, their false messiah on him, they have to be mevazeh him, take advantage of him like that, by putting on him that tzeilem kappel, the kipah with yechi, after farfiring him into one of their vehicles with yechi on its side?

Disgusting, those worshippers of that dead cult leader.

Those Lubab Xtians need to be spit out.

Anonymous said...

I know isn't it just terrible that a Jew does a mitzvah.
Really hurts hamas...
Grow up

BostonPatriot said...

Sinas chinam much? Nothing like a little Jewish unity at a time when we need it. Few would argue that Lubavitch has inspired thousands of Jews to keep kosher, observe Shabbos, lein Tefillin.... minus convictions about the Rebbe.

My advice to the unhinged lunatic who posted his/her comment: Keep your mouth shut and be a good Jew at a time when the Jewish People need every one of us.

P.S. No Lubavitcher has ever said that the Rebbe is the "Lord." Better you daven for the success of our soldiers than spout poison.

Ain't buying the Brooklyn Bridge from you said...

It is well known that Chabad-Lubavitch has problematic theology, one aspect of which is their deification of their leader. It is a longstanding problem with the sect, and denying it won't make it disappear.

They are always busy promoting their late Rebbeh. Even though he died close to thirty years ago now.

Anonymous said...

The terms they use are Pretty close to it