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Monday, October 23, 2023

Woke left’s getting punished under its own rules: Let's not stop now!


The woke left is finally getting a taste of its own medicine. Let’s hear it for sanity. 

This week saw three unhinged antisemites removed from their cushy gigs over ugly remarks made about Israel

One was a Beverly Hills radiologist, Andrew Thierry, who posted on X that “Zionists” are “genicidal, demonic, greedy, pedophilic r—–s.” (Try spellcheck next time, Doc.)

“Zionists” is the preferred lefty code word for Jews.

Another was a Citigroup banker, Nozima Husainova, who shared a post on Instagram spreading the lie that Israel destroyed the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, and added a note that read: “No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them.” She even included a smiley emoji.

Then there’s a Department of Homeland Security employee, Nejwa Ali, who worked on asylum issues for the agency. She celebrated and justified the Hamas atrocities on Instagram with art and emojis.

All three were ousted this week. (Ali, insanely, is a former PLO staffer; she clearly should never have been hired in the first place.) 

All three have been treated as their political comrades customarily treat others: with online vitriol leading to severe economic punishments. 

The same thing happened when an NYU Law student blamed Israel for the Hamas atrocities: Ryna Workman lost a job offer from Winston & Strawn. The firm Davis Polk has reported three more such moves over similar statements. 

And hedge funders Bill Ackman and Ken Griffin have declared Harvard’s publicly jubilant antisemites unhirable.

They may cry that this is unfair, but this is the cancel-culture world they created.

Remember Emmanuel Cafferty, the Latino power company worker whom BLM crazies got fired over an imaginary racist gesture he made? (The man was, in fact, cracking his knuckles.) 

Or Joshua Katz, the professor of classics at Princeton booted from his tenured job for merely daring to question the DEI policies some colleagues demanded? 

The shoe’s on the other foot now, as some of America seems to be waking up from its fever dreams. 

Here’s hoping more people get hip to the fact that these attitudes — Jew-hatred, “decolonization” and all the rest — are nothing new. And not acceptable.

They’re the fruits of the long leftist march through our institutions

And while it’s good that some of the vilest are now withering in daylight, many more people with the same beliefs still hold places of real power across government, media and the academy.

Until they’re all gone, nothing will change. 

1 comment:

cyrano said...


Ted Bundy was not a monster; he was a militant, fighting against women oppressors. This is the narrative as it would be written today.

Bundy suffered as a child raised by his grandparents who posed as his biological parents. He was abused by his grandfather, who didn't even get him the toy that he wanted for Christmas. As an adult his girlfriend broke up with him. With such a horrific background it could only be expected that he defended himself in the only way he could, by destroying women who dared to take away the power that should rightfully be his. He was not to blame for the death of 12 year old Kimberly Leach. The onus of that murder falls squarely on world femininity (or perhaps the Zionists, because, hey why not, they're to blame for everything anyway). If women would have given Bundy everything that he desired, he would not have killed them. No matter that the women he killed were complete strangers, all women are responsible for his despair, and no women are innocent.

And how did the civil authority respond to this heroic champion of men's rights? By hunting for him and after his capture imprisoning and chaining him up like a mad dog. Instead of providing him relief from his tortured past, the State of Florida violated Bundy's most basic human right in the most brutal manner imaginable. Defenseless as he was, and deprived of human dignity, he was dragged ignobly to the place of his execution.

No humanitarian aid was offered to this noble and fundamentally decent creature. His fettered and immobilized body was strapped to the electric chair, where 2,000 volts coursed through his unresisting body. The appointed witnesses to Bundy's unfortunate fate shed nary a tear for his untimely demise.

How could someone fail to weep after viewing the broken body of this innocent man. How could someone not cry out, "Shame, shame", for the outrageous cold-blooded murder of an unarmed defenseless and ultimately blameless individual. Human decency demands that we protest the vengeful nature of women who in their typical conniving character convinced others to commit this heinous act.

Because some might not recognize that I have substituted Ted Bundy, the monstrous serial killer, for the equally monstrous Hamas, and that I have lampooned the pusillanimity of its supporters, I have deemed it necessary to preface this post by announcing that it is satire at its worst.