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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Neturei Karta of Monsey Hate Children Also


The Monsey Fire Department deployed numerous resources on Monday – but not for a fire. Instead, the response was for an intentional spill of foul-smelling sludge at the site of the planned Chabad Simchas Bais HaShoeiva at Monsey’s Park & Ride.

The culprits? The notorious malcontents from the extremist “Neturei Karta” sect, who annually protest Chabad’s Simchas Bais Hashoeiva event at the site.

This year, Neturei Karta attempted to sabotage the event by spilling odorous chemicals at the Park & Ride, making the area unusable.

Thankfully, despite Neturei Karta’s sickening move, the event will go on, thanks to the Monsey Fire Department and Town of Ramapo Highway Department.

Its members are working to quickly remove all of the sewage from the site, allowing the joyous event to go on as scheduled.


Uriah’s Wife said...

Where is the undead hidden Moshiach when you need him?

Say no to the false messiah of Crown Heights and his groupies said...

Kudos to NK for standing up against the missionaries of the Chabad Lubavitch cult.

As the old expression goes, even a broken clock is right two times a day.

Anonymous said...

ditto. understatement

Anonymous said...

Although not all Lubavitchers are righteous most of them are amazing Jews who deserve to go to Olam Haba.Do not be the prosecuting attorney for Jews who do not follow your Rebbe.