Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Beginning of the End of the USA: California Passes Bill to Take Custody Away From Parents if They Don’t ‘Affirm’ Gender

 The California legislature approved a bill this week that would punish parents who do not “affirm” their child’s gender identity.

Assembly Bill 957, known as the Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act, passed the California Assembly by a party-line 57-16 vote Friday. 

The state senate passed the bill on Wednesday by a 30-9 vote. 

The bill would “include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”If Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signs the bill, it would require custody judges to consider a parent’s “affirmation” of their child’s gender, as judges consider the “health, safety, and welfare of the child” when making decisions.


Anonymous said...

Din, with respect you need to read the USA news a bit more, the beginning of the end stayed quite a while ago. If you want to get really depressed try foxnews. Truly outrageous stuff you can hardly believe.

Garnel Ironheart said...

In Communism, the state is the parent of the child and the parents themselves are mere custodians whose job is to take care of the child and inculcate it with the state's values. That is what is happening here.
So nu, imagine the child comes home, announces that he is a she and if the parents don't agree, "she" will call the authorities to take her away. As heartbreaking as it is to lose a child like that, imagine the hell the parents will go through as their manipulative, ungrateful progeny spend the next 10 years blackmailing them - gjve me this or I'll tell the government you didn't affirm me!

Anonymous said...

It is ilegal to tattoo any minor (under the age of 18) in California, not to mention chas v'sholom letting them drink or smoke, but gender reasignment is to to be encouraged and facilitated.

Makes sense to me

Anonymous said...

In such case, the only solution is to pack out of California.

Anonymous said...

I bet that that law could be easily challenged and turned over. Taking away custody from a parent is a very big deal and I would hope that (an objective, impartial) judge would see right through it.