Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mk Eichler's Perfidy .. That Lying Scoundrel!

Quite a chutzpah for MK Eichler to say that the Holocaust was caused by the Zionists.

 Eichler is associated with the Belz Chassidic sect;
 as Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the epilogue to his well known article, "Daas Torah: A Modern Conception of Rabbinic Authority,"
 the Belzer Rebbe escaped Europe in 1944 "using immigration certificates reserved for veteran Zionists." 

Without getting into the very unfortunate and troubling details here, the Belzer Rebbe and his brother assured their remaining flock that while it appeared from current events that the Zionists were right, this was in fact a trial sent by G-d to test their faith. In fact, the Rebbe wasn't fleeing, because of fear, but only out of love for the Land of Israel. The Rebbe's brother, "with the approval and as the agent of his brother," assured those who remained that all would be well.

Less than four months later, mass deportations of Hungarian Jews began. Untold numbers were slaughtered by the Nazis.

Later, the official histories of Belz first omitted these words of the Rebbe's brother from their histories, and later changed the story outright, saying that the Rebbe had warned his flock to leave Europe, but they ignored him.

For MK Eichler to claim that the Holocaust was the fault of the Zionists, when his Rebbe's father (the Rebbe's brother) and uncle escaped using Zionist certificates, and - I say this with pain - left their people with false assurances of safety, is farcical.



Garnel Ironheart said...

He's following the greatest of the Gedolim, the Satmar, who also ran away with the Zionists to Israel and then rewrote the story to make it seem that the Zionists only succeeded in their rescue efforts because they took him.

Anonymous said...

How are your contentions relevant to what the MK pontificated?

Both can be on target,yes?