Monday, September 11, 2023

Netanyahu’s Remark That ‘G-d Didn’t Always Protect Us’ Incenses Charedi Coalition Partners


DIN: I don't understand what the big deal is. Didn't the late Satmar Rebbi z'l say something similar during the 6 day war? 

In his "al hagilah" the rebbe wrote that Hashem had nothing to do with the victory of the 6 day war, he attributed the success of the war to the great IDF and of course the "samach mem." the "devil." 

Interesting that when the IDF then took credit for the victory, the rebbe yelled "oy vey, they are saying "koichi ve'etzem yadi" but he himself agreed that they victory was because of the strength of the IDF which is basically saying the same thing, he never saw the irony in his own reasoning!

During a cabinet meeting on Sunday regarding the pilgrimage to the Uman for Rosh Hashana, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the danger of traveling to the wartorn country and called on the pilgrims to be responsible.

“Israeli citizens who are traveling to Ukraine need to bear personal responsibility at this time,” Netanyahu stated and then added the following: “G-d did not always protect us, not on European land and not on Ukrainian land.” Netanyahu’s controversial statement apparently referred to the question that has been asked over the last 80 years: “Where was G-d during the Holocaust.”

Netanyahu’s remark however was seen as blasphemy by charedi leaders. The editor-in-chief of the haredi news site B’Chadrei Charedim, Moshe Weisberg, wondered if the charedi MKs would respond to the remark in silence. “Will the charedi MKs swallow Netanyahu’s contemptuous remarks as well?” he wondered.

Haredi journalist Michael Shemesh also responded: “It’s hard to believe that the charedi ministers will let this statement pass silently.”

The Shas party was the first to react, stating that “G-d always protected the people of Israel in all the exiles and all the persecution, and that’s why the nation of Israel is the only one that miraculously survived the for thousands of years, while other many and stronger nations were annihilated,” the party stated.

The party added: “Of course, the condition for divine providence is faith and keeping the Torah and mitzvot as the Jewish people did since they became a nation.”

MK Israel Eichler (UTJ) responded to Prime Minister Netanyahu, calling the statement “words of ignorance” and adding, “For over 100 years, the G-d of Israel has been saving Israel from the might, the evil culture, and the assimilation of the secular regime.” He added that “The Zionists and partisans didn’t prevent the Holocaust in Europe. The Germans were miraculously stopped on the way to conquering the land of Israel but not due to the Zionists, who acted basely towards the Diaspora Jews. Many of the Judenrats collaborated with the Nazis, some sold their Jews to save themselves. The Zionist leadership refused to assist and harmed the “Rescue programs”, as is apparent from Min HaMetzar of Rabbi Weissmandel and other historians including Shabtai Bet Tzvi, Shmuel Tamir, Ben Hecht and others. Some of the Zionists even called the Jews in the ghettos “economic and moral dust.”

Minister of Education Yoav Kisch responded to Eichler’s comment: “I call on MK Eichler to retract the anti-Zionist destructive comment that he wrote. As the grandson of Brigadier Kisch, who fought the Nazis, as a Zionist, as a Jew, and as a soldier in the Israeli Defense Force who fought our enemies, I am ashamed of the things you wrote.”


Garnel Ironheart said...

Arrogant SOB's. They sit in the comfy homes, protected from the consequences of their stupidity and can only think the blame others when something doesn't work out for them.

Anonymous said...

Haster aster is explicit in the Torah, not sure why the chareidim always need to make a scene, did they forget about the holocaust already?

who knows? you might be right said...

Eli Wiesel wrote in one of his books to the question of "where was G-D during the holocaust"? in which he saw a child get killed in front of his father and then hung from a barbed wire fence in a concentration camp, a scene of profound inhumanity and horror, that "that is G-D", meaning to say that such cruelty and evil can only be ordained by G-D himself purposely. Indeed the answer to "where was G-D during the holocaust"? is that he is right there causing it...(I.E. the horror and inhumanity of the holocaust is so profound that perforce it must be a G-Dly act. The reasons why G-D would do such a thing is up for debate.)

The Shefa Chaim of Klausenburg ztzkl held that there was a hester panim during the holocaust ( see BT chagigah 5b ).