Thursday, September 7, 2023

Israel's 'Peace Partner' Says Hitler Killed Jews Because of Money


Palestinian Authority chairman pushes two antisemitic canards in Fatah party meeting, claiming Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazars, and that the Holocaust was not about antisemitic persecution.


Garnel Ironheart said...

And why shouldn't he when Jewish authors like Shlomo Sands write essentially the same thing?

Frum but normal said...

Shouldn’t surprise us at all, because this is coming from a filthy murderous terrorist rabies infected dog.

But what really should make us shudder in revulsion, is when so-called orthodox Rabbis ,actually agree with and echo the exact same filth and obscenity
Watch this short video , as three orthodox Rabbi’s yemach shemom, have no problem understanding why Hitler murdered six million Jews.
Watch and weep.
Shouldn’t surprise us that this coming from a filthy murderous terrorist swine.
But what really should make us shudder in revulsion, is when so-called orthodox Rabbis , actually agree with and echo the exact same filth and obscenity
Watch this short video , as three orthodox Rabbi’s have no problem understanding why Hitler murdered six million Jews.
Watch and weep.

Anonymous said...

This zillionaire terrorist is 88 years old, eight years older than Creepy Joe. Wtf is he still doing in politics (besides mass corruption) ?

LES AYM said...

Wow, had never heard of Shlomo Sands. Just Googled him. What a piece of puke!