Monday, September 4, 2023

Sadegera Rebbetzin Writes Letter to the Rabbis that Signed a Kol Korah Against Her

Last week, we posted an article how a bunch of rabbanim signed a Kol Korah against the widow of the late Sadigera Rebbe, chastising her for bringing her twerp son to secular court. 

These same rabbanim said not a word when the twerp took his mother to secular court to evict her from his late father's apartment, even though there was clear instructions that she could live there for the rest of her life.

In her letter she says that after reading the Kol Korah against her, she now understands why the Torah says that Hashem himself will protect the widow, since the rabbanim will not!

She also mentions the fact that these rabbanim were silent when the twerp took to her to secular court.


Brisker said...

Here's the original tzettl which the other week was too small to read when exported to this blog.

The parsha of watching out for yesomim, almonos & gerim is not known well enough even among some of the biggest talmidei chochomim. As per Gittin 35, dayanim are sometimes punished even when following the halacha regarding them. Why is that? The biggest talmid of the Divrei Chaim, the Kurtcheener Rebbe in his sefer on Shas offen ort, says it's because there is a chiyuv on Klal Yisroel to protect these downtrodden neshomos, so even when the basic halacha doesn't help them, the dayanim who lead the Klal must figure out another way to bring them relief, even if they have to personally shnor from house to house to come up with the funds to do so.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, definition of a cult

frum but normal; said...

Taking your own mother to court, to have her thrown out of her own home. Even a low-life African gang-banger from the ghettos of Chicago will not stoop so low.
This spoiled little Cockroach needs to get a good spanking and maybe a couple of broken bones.

Anonymous said...

I think you're being very kind