Sunday, September 10, 2023

Biden Nominates Obama's "LapDog" Jacob LuLu to Serve as Ambassador to Israel


DIN: Typical Biden, nominates an Israel Hater to be ambassador to Israel!

President Joe Biden has nominated former Treasury secretary Jacob Lew to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to Israel, the White House announced Tuesday.

Lew, who served as White House chief of staff and director of the Office of Management and Budget during the Obama administration, would succeed Ambassador Tom Nides.,who left the post in July. Lew also served as OMB director during the Clinton administration.

Lew is currently a managing partner at Lindsay Goldberg, a private equity firm, and a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York.

He also currently serves as chairman of the board of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, co-president of the board of the National Library of Israel USA and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Lew has also previously served as managing director and chief operating officer for two Citigroup business units. He was executive vice president and the chief operating officer of New York University and a professor of public administration in the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU.


what an ass u r said...

HEY Tuchus ,
Lew is an Orthodox Jew!
People who disagree with you are NOT Kapos or anti semites, you farikteh fool, and tipesh.

Dr Phil Esquire said...

Ass U R
Shasai Tzvi was also frum

Dusiznies said...

Ass U r
Thanks for following my blog, I do apologize, however, that I cannot, most of the time, post your comments, because they are filthy, disgusting, bizarre, insane, and outrageous, but I am indeed grateful that you cannot tear yourself away from my posts!
Having an extensive background in mental health, I recommend (and I will not charge you for this) that you check yourself in to the nearest asylum.
A git ge'bentched youhr, and I wish you everything you wish me and more.