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Thursday, June 1, 2023

US to Israel "SHUT the Hell Up on Iran" and we will help Israel-Saudi normalization


Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and Head of the National Security Council Tzachi Hanegbi, few to the United States this week to meet with administration officials.

According to a report in Israel Hayom, the meetings will focus on two critical issues: The Biden administration's renewed push for a deal with Iran and the possibility of advancing the normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia. Behind the scenes, the Americans see the two issues as connected.

To overcome Israel's opposition to such a move, the Americans have raised the idea of advancing normalization between Israel and the Saudis in return for Israel's silence in the face of a deal with the Iranian regime.

Former diplomatic officials told Israel Hayom that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be inclined to accept such a deal, but there are those who say that it would show submission.

According to the former officials, "The fact that Israel has not made any public moves to oppose the deal shows that there are agreements behind the scenes. Otherwise, Netanyahu would have acted as he did in 2015."

Despite these claims, Israel denies that it is not working to oppose the deal. A source in Netanyahu's office responded to the report, "The state of Israel did not change its stance. Israel is working in every available way, through every channel, and through every rank to oppose any attempt to allow Iran to obtain nuclear capabilities and weapons," he explained.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HKBH will never allow EY be destroyed, we witnessed this with scuds and we will see it again from Iran, the west has way more to be concerned about than EY