Thursday, June 22, 2023

‘Gimel Tamuz’ A Very Holy Day


Thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidim are visiting the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, obm, this week to mark his passing on Gimel Tamuz 5754 – the third day of the month of Tamuz on the Hebrew calendar. The secular date of the Rebbe’s passing was June 12, 1994.

The flood of visitors to the Rebbe’s grave in Queens, New York – known worldwide as The Ohel – is expected to be especially intense on the day of his yarzheit or hilula.

For many Hasidim around the world, Gimel Tamuz is a day for reflection, learning, prayer, strengthening one’s commitment and actively pursuing good deeds.

Commemorative events are being held in communities around the world to mark the day.

The date is also significant for several other reasons.

Gimel Tamuz is the date on which the Biblical Joshu stopped the sun in its orbit, declaring “Sun, stand still” at Givon to enable his army to continue the battle against the Amorites. (Joshua 10:12-13).

Gimel Tamuz is also the date on which the Frierdikeh Rebbe (Previous Rebbe), Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, obm, was released in 1927 from a life-threatening prison sentence imposed by Russian authorities.

But in these days, the phrase ‘Gimel Tamuz’ is remembered primarily for the devastating loss of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the world, and the Rebbe’s directive to keep on marching.

Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz (Even-Israel), obm, explained the future of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement following the Rebbe’s passing: “You have a light, and the light guides you. And then somehow, the light is extinguished in the middle of the night at some moment. How do you feel then? On the other hand, you don’t have any permission to stop.

“The Rebbe gave an order, marching orders. And so you have to go on marching.”

In the Rebbe’s own words: “When you add one deed, one word, and one resolution for the good, besides affecting oneself he also affects his family and far wider: Maimonides rules that it impacts the entire world, placing them on the side of the righteous. This hastens the redemption with a joyful and happy heart.”


Anonymous said...

He died?

Litvak said...

Gimel Tamuz: a new holiday for a brand-new religion called Habad (Jews for Menahem!). Very similar to Judaism, but only externaly.
Internally, much more similar to Chritianity (dead messiah!).

Satmar Tuchis Schmekker said...

Chuf Alef Kislev: a new holiday for a brand-new religion called Satmar (Jews for Romania). Very similar to Judaism, but only externally.
Internally, much more similar to Christianity (torturing and expelling other chassidim that don't follow them).

BTW Chabad was founded in 1775, pretty close to when the Baal=Shem-Tov started Chassidism. Satmar was founded 1905
So which one is the "brand-new" religion?

Chuf Alef Kislev is the new holiday and it commemorates the day that the Satmar Rebbe was saved by a Zionists!

Anonymous said...

Agree.Both previous posts are correct!

Garnel Ironheart said...

The same Lubavitchers who walk out of shul when we recite Hallel on Yom Ha'atzma'ut because "You can't invent new holidays!" do this.

Anonymous said...

The difference being Satmar doesn't believe Rav Yeolish ZTL was mashiach.Lubavitch believes the Rebbe ZTL is mashiach ...similar to Christianity .

Satmar 102 said...

I am not Chabad but your comment that Chabad theology is similar to Christianity is ludicrous and preposterous because one can make the argument that Judaism itself is similar to Christianity in many ways, for example Christians go to Church so do Jews go to Shul, Christians believe in worship and that G-d answers prayers and so do Jews, Christians believe in the afterlife so do Jews, Christians believe in Chesed so do Jews, Christians believe in making pilgrimage so do Jews, finally both religions believe in ONE G-d!

Satmars didn't believe that R' Yoilish was Mashiach, because he obviously wasn't, he called Rabbanim like Ger, Spinka, Belz and Kloizinberg... "meeim and apikorsim" Moshiach will love all Jews even the Belzers, Gerer and the Kloizinbergers, and maybe even the Spinkkars.

BTW if you keep up with the Daf Hayoimie you learned not too long ago that there were many Amoriem that believed that their rebbanim were Moshiach.

חב"ד = חזרת הש"ץ said...

What a bunch of sickos, their leader is died twenty nine years already, and they are still pushing him as leader of the Jewish people.

They are copying the Shabsai Tzvi chevre.

DIN, I thought you were smarter than that. Why are you promoting those toite Chasidim from Crown Heights?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 3:46 pm
Every heilige dor (generation) appointed their own potential moshiach. The Chidushei Horim in his time was considered as a probable Moshiach.

Anonymous said...

and old joke..."in satmar every yid is a shaigitz and in chabad every shaigitz is a yid"...

Anonymous said...

another old joke..."what do you call the offspring of a satmar and chabad shidduch?...a meshichist terrorist"...

Anonymous said...

Was that serious or some joke