Monday, June 19, 2023

Violent Protests Continue Against "Light Rail" Despite their Rebbe Being Opposed to it!


The Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe, who is the leader of practically all the protests in Yerushalyim, told the mayor of Yerushalyim last week, that after hearing the "other side" he is against the Light Rail protests,  but since his followers having nothing to do all day, they totally ignored him and continued with their futile war against the light rail. 

The protestors don't really care either way about the light rail  and certainly don't care about their rebbe. This is all for their own amusement and entertainment and for looking forward to being manhandled by a lady cop. 

I would draft them all to the army, at least there they would have something to do! 


Garnel Ironheart said...

Again, people only follow "the Gedolim" when the Gedolim say what they want them to.

Anonymous said...

“ But since his followers have nothing to do all day …”
And what do YOU do all day ?
You obsess over people who “ have nothing to do all day”. Hahaha, ironic!
Did you serve in the army?

Dusiznies said...

I'll tell you what I do all day.
I'm in kollel from 9:00 AM 2:30
2:30- 4:30 I blog just to annoy you!
5:00 - 9:00 Kollel
I "takeh" didn't serve but my children did!