Saturday, June 17, 2023

Nadverner Rebbe from Beit Shemesh Singing for his rebbetzin


He calls himself "Nadvorner Rebbe of Beit Shemesh," but lives in Katzrin and yes that is his wife! She is an immigrant from Russia


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Are you jealous that his Bekishe, and his wife are prettier than yours??

Frum but norma said...

Something is missing here, it just doesn't ad up

Anonymous said...

What you're seening is not her skin, she is wearing a shell.

Hymie said...

What's the Rebbe's name? And what's with the Tzionishe havureh?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that he's missing most of his marbles, so why are trying to stir the pot. He's a major rachmonus case.

Sholem said...

He is known as the Neitra Rebbe who lives in Katzrin (originally from Bet Shemesh)> He posts his lectures and "tishes" on YouTube