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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Der Yid Totally Ignores the Passing and the Funeral of Harav Hagoen Gerson Edelstein


To following was a letter by Yossi Weissfish to VIN 

I was shocked and appalled to see that “Der Yid Newspaper,” which is directly controlled by the “Reb Zalman Leib” faction of Satmar, chose to ignore the Levaya of one of the Gedolei Hador, Hagaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein ZT”L.

This unmitigated Chutzpah and blatant Bizayon Hatorah must be called out in public. It would be one thing if this was an accidental occurrence, but it’s not. Satmar controlled newspapers have a long track record of systematically ignoring anything that doesn’t fall in line with their “Shita”.

When HaRav Aron Leib Shteinman was hospitalized, one of the Satmar newspapers chose to ignore it. That itself is beyond the pale.

A staggering 250,000 people attend a Levaya this week for a gadol and you act like it’s not newsworthy? Are you seriously going to proclaim to the world that a building collapse in Iowa is the leading headline of the week?!

When Chacham Ovadia Yosef ZT”L was Niftar and a staggering 850,000 people attended the Levaya, it was ignored. Is he your Manhig? Of course not. But when a Gadol is Niftar, and has the largest Levaya in recorded history, isn’t it worthy of mentioning? Of course it is.

Do you think this is proper Chinuch for your children? Do you actually think the holy Divrei Yoel ZT”L would approve of this despicable behavior? Of course not. Shame on you.

Rav Gershon Edelstein zt”l was the Baal Tokea for the Chazon Ish when he was a BOCHUR. He was a Magid Shiur for 70 years – never missing a single day. He was “Mufkar” from the world and an Anav like we have hardly ever seen before. He didn’t sit on a golden throne, walk with a silver stick, or fly around the world on private jets. He never left the Bais Hamedrash for his entire lifetime. He was a Masmid and a Gaon Batorah. This is what you ignored, and instead chose to talk about a building collapse in Iowa as your lead story.

And one final point to Satmar, and let this sink in well. You ignored the Levaya of Rav Gershon Edelstein because he is an “Agudist”, and a “Tiyoni”. Let me remind you: Who do you run to when your Mosdos in New York are under attack? It’s not Satmar Rabbonim running to Albany to fight for your rights. It’s “Agudist” Rabbonim. Last I checked, neither of the Admorim of Satmar traveled to Albany even ONCE. Meanwhile, Rav Elya Brudny, Rav Yisroel Reisman, and Rav Yaakov Bender have worked day and night for your Mosdos, not their own. Vehamayvin Yavin.

Enough is enough. This shameful and disgusting public Bizayon Hatorah must be condemned once and for all.

Yossi Weissfish – Brooklyn


Garnel Ironheart said...

Reminds me of the good old days of professional wrestling when each promotion studiously ignored its competitors, so much so that when a wrestler switched territories, the new one would welcome him as a rookie.

Brisker said...

I think these Marmorosher Gypsies have a different motivation for putting the gadol hador on ignore. They don't want their chevra to focus on anything outside their 4 amos because it might be bad for business. Putting blinders on the flock to be submerged in all Satmar all the time is an insurance policy to prevent attention & money going anywhere else.

Exactly 1 week earlier these hypocrites at Der Yid were fawning in their one track minds over Brisk that R' Chaim & R' Velvel were jolly good fellows who were with the program against Tzionim. (A once in a blue moon nice word for outsiders is safe because no one visits or gives money to rabbis who have been dead for at least half a century) R' Gershon was more with the program than Satmar will admit. His grandfather was the famous "Ben Aryeh" printed in every Shas who was talmid muvhok of R' Chaim. R' Gershon's father was talmid of R' Boruch Ber who last week's Der Yid also gave thumbs up to for cringing from Tzionim. Before the Edelsteins were forced to escape to Israel, the father tried to put R' Gershon in the alter Mir where he zicher would have been among the top bochurim. There was an official upmach where R' Lazer Yuda sent all top Mirrer bochurim for a year or two to learn in Brisk so they could come back & infuse the Mir with the Brisker derech. R' Gershon was certainly not a political person who the Brisker Rov held of when they met in Israel.

Anonymous said...

Missed the deadline

Anonymous said...

You probably mean missed the boat

Asiatisher Marmorosher Ferd said...

Rav Koppelman ztl said in opposing Zionism that his moireh derech is der Satmar Ruv. So was he the one Litvisher gadol whose levaya got front page coverage in "Der Goy"? Odder fort nisht, Duvid Niederman will pull a Biden Administration & will "have to circle back" to DIN on that one?

Moishe Gabbai Friedman said...

Weissfish forgots that I tell Zalmi what to do. This is complicated as R' Gershon was against molesters. There are etlicher agendas, you see, that we just cannot allow even if you despise Tzionim