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Monday, February 6, 2023

Arab Schoolchildren Hold Sickening Ceremonies Honoring Neve Yaakov Terrorist


  Following the unspeakable massacre of 7 Jews by a terrorist in Neve Yaakov, elementary schools throughout the Palestinian Authority have held ceremonies to honor the terrorist who carried out the attack.

Sadly, this type of indoctrination of students to glorify the murder of innocent Jews R”L and brainwash them to aspire to become terrorists is a scene that we have come to expect.

Many of the children in the photos above are holding up pictures of the monstrous terrorist murderer along with his name, and are openly praising his depraved subhuman actions. These photos are from multiple different schools throughout the PA.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

Here's the sickness - they will say "Well you honour the Warsaw ghetto uprising" and this is our equivalent.