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Sunday, May 8, 2022

When will it all end?

 It will end when Israel asserts Jewish sovereignty over all its land, including all of Judea and Samaria, over which Israeli civilian law must be applied immediately; 

When we take back control of the Temple Mount; when we take back Gaza and Hevron and evict all its residents; 

When we demolish all illegal Arab construction in Area C and aggressively build Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria;

When we enact and implement treason laws and arrest, prosecute, revoke citizenship, and deport all the enemies of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel, be they university professors, members of Knessset, or anyone else. 

It will only stop when we the low party threshold laws that allowed someone with six measly seats to change to betray the majority (who voted four times for a right-wing government) by making an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, whose stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. 

It will end when all citizens are required to demonstrate loyalty to the state by doing their national service, military or civilian, with no exemptions for Israeli Arabs or Charedim — no rights of citizenship without the responsibilities of citizenship. 

It will end when laws are passed to ban flying the Hamas flag, ban the use of the inaccurate terms "West Bank," "settlers" or "illegal settlements" which are lies propagated by our enemies trying to delegitimize Israel and its undivided capital; the accurate terms are citizens in Judea and Samaria, and Jewish communities everywhere in our land. 

Terrorist attacks will stop when people who identify as Palestinians are banned from serving in our national government, a ban which is not racist but nationalist, as their stated goal is to replace Israel with a state of Palestine which they promise will be a truly apartheid, Judenrein, racist state, as Areas A in Israel already are. 

It will stop when we Jews firmly assert our Jewish sovereignty in every sphere of our lives in our national homeland.


Frum but normal said...

NO,NO,NO, it will ONLY END, when every single Muslim Arab will be expelled and sent packing.
As Rabbi Meir Kahane h"Y"D, said "THEY ALL MUST GO"

Israel is the only country, that 20% of it's population is a murderous fifth column, who can't wait for the opportunity to slit the throat for every Jewish man woman and child.
This is an untenable situation, no country can live like this, now it is still possible to implement this ONLY solution, but in a few more years, this necessary solution will be implemented only thru a inevitable very bloody civil war.

Israel's situation can be compared to someone who brings into his home, murderous poisonous man eating snakes and let's them roam around freely, we all know the inevitable tragic ending of this criminal insanity.
Israel has over two million of these murderous poisonous snakes roaming freely in our land.
As long as this insanity will be tolerated, Jewish blood would be flowing like water in our own God given land.

Anonymous said...

I don't know when it will end.
But I can tell you when it started:
It started as soon as we made any concession, as small as it might be, to our enemies.
The Benett government has the spilled blood on their conscience. They thought they can buy silence from our enemies.
These murderous animals saw only weakness here and we are suffering the consequences.

Anonymous said...

When Israel has a pro-Putin puppet government