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Friday, May 13, 2022

Toldos Aaron Extremists Destroy Shrine for the 45 Who were killed in Meron and will block any special services to them.


I am sure that you read about Police violence against the Toldos Ahron protestors at Meron.  The police were extremely brutal, something they wouldn't dare do to Arab protestors. 

Just two days ago, in Meah Shearim, police used violence against those who were flying the Palestinian flags and yet when Arabs were doing the same thing in the heart of Yerushalyim they looked away.

I am against violence especially against Jews and of course Jewish violence against other Jews. Meah Shearim have repeatedly stoned and almost lynched Chareidie soldiers in uniform that went to chap a minyan there. But when police use violence against them they scream Nazi.

What led to the police brutality against that Chareidie extremist? I am not justifying it, but I wonder if you know what led to the confrontation? 

The families who lost loved ones in Meron put up a shrine in Meron with candles etc.But this doesn't  bode well with the Toldos Aaron extremists who believe that they own Meron, and so they destroy it on a daily basis. 

Why don't they want it there? 

Because it reminds them that the stampede that unfortunately took place last year in Meron that took the lives of 45 innocent people in the most brutal way, with Jews stepping on other Jews that fell, was their own fault. 


For years the police and the government agencies warned them that Meron on Lag Be'Omer was a catastrophe waiting to happen, but they not only ignored their warnings but wanted the police to stay far away from the site; they didn't want any Zionists oversight. Even though that at the Kotel, Mearas Ha'machpeila and Kever Rachel something that the government controls, it is always safety first! 

The Chareidim in charge refused to follow government regs vis a vis illegal structures and didn't care and ignored crowd control rules.

Chareidim know very well that the blood of those trampled to death is on their heads.

Even after all this, they still refuse to abide by any regulations and do not want any Zionist police on hand. 

Going back to what happened with the Toldos Aaron extremist and the cop.

The families of those who were murdered by their fellow Jews decided that come this Lag Be'Omer they will have a small service to commemorate the 45 dead,, and with permission of police they set up the place with loud speakers. 

Toldos Aaron gangsters don't want the commemorations and say that this was never a minhag and therefore they won't allow it.

There is never a minhag before one starts a minhag.,the minhag of eating "ge'hakte leberlich and eyer mit zvibal" is also just a minhag, and when did that start? 

And what is so wrong with saying a couple of kapitlach tehillim for our fellow Jews that were killed in the most horrible way on this very day and on this very spot? If this is what brings them comfort, why deny them this ?

So this extremists went up to destroy the loudspeakers who was warned repeatedly by the cops to stop. He totally ignored them and so they grabbed and beat the living daylights out of him.

I am not justifying the violence but just wanted to give you the background something you won't see in the  media.


אוהב אמת said...

Wow, how refreshing to read "the rest of the story".

Thanks DIN for sharing this, giving so very needed background and perspective on the incident.

G-d bless you!

Anonymous said...

So nice to tell the story one sided, you have a story as if the family are putting up a shrine for their loved ones.

I know some of the families were told that its happening without asking them even permission,
And even when they asked not to do it for their loved one, they were refused the option.

So go fly a kite, with all your lies.

Dusiznies said...

Actually the story is not "one sided" ... because I am the only one giving the "other side" to the story
Yes it is in fact the families putting up a shrine on a daily basis and those animals tearing it down every single day.
Who the hell made those Toldos Aron guys the boss?
They were the direct cause of this tragedy, absolutely!

Your statement:"some of the families were told that its happening without asking them even permission," is a bald faced lie
All the families are on the same page ...
All wanted a government investigation
All want the government in control of the site
and finally all agreed on the ceremony that will actually take place.