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Friday, May 6, 2022

Neturei Karta extremists don't care about Jewish blood being spilled and riot in Jerusalem holding Palestinian flags

 A group of several dozen members of the extremist Neturei Karta sect rioted in Jerusalem's Shabbat Square Thursday night

Two of the rioters were arrested for questioning after attacking police officers with glass bottles.

Some of the violators were dressed in sackcloth and ashes and held Palestinian Authority flags in their hands. They threw stones, bottles and other objects at police and at passing vehicles.

Four policemen were lightly injured by glass, stones and bottles and were treated by medical personnel.

Due to the clashes, the area was blocked for vehicular traffic from the direction of Strauss Street, and drivers were asked to choose an alternative route.


Anonymous said...

If you believe that the NK is only about a couple of thousand crazies , you're not paying attention.

What distinguishes the NK ( and Satmar ) is to publicly insult , desecrate, hound and harass Zionist supporters especially the frum ones.. Meet with the enemies of Israel wearing kaffiyas and shawls and Palestinian flags and green gatches.

I put forth here , that a great many anti-Zionists from Yeshivish to Litvish to Chassidish are exactly like Neturah Karta... Their shittas, beliefs and hostility to the Jewish State mirrors them to a tee..
Only difference is that won't make spectacles for the world can see.
I've heard comments from some in these circles who question the existence of the State and even hope for its deletion , Chas V'Shalom.... Exactly the NK..
While the NK make their balagans , they agree with their words.
Oh, they'll make a sour puss and belch out , " They're meshugoyim. "
Don't fall for it !!

If you're against the creation of the State or its existence, you're Neturei Karta , albeit without the green gatches .

As of my 1st cup of coffee this morning , I haven't yet read even a syllable of protest against these bums by any rabbonim. Have you ?
This is not the first time... There were incidents of terrorism before and on that day or the day after when people are still mourning, they're out in the streets bumming and partying.

My point is simple and not rocket science :

You guys constantly finding fault , speaking lashon hara , looking for the bad, never acknowledging the good , blaming this group or that to justify your antipathy to Eretz Yisrael, never thanking the IDF for their mesiras nefesh are ...... here it comes ...

100% dyed-in-the- wool, deluxe NETUREI KARTA 'NIKS... Every last one of you... Stop pretending otherwise.

Derby , celebrating Yom Haatzmaut ..!!

Joe Magdeburger said...

Without Israeli soldiers, their women would be hoes for ISIS.