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Sunday, May 1, 2022

In Beit Shemesh Chassidishe Children Are Taught to Rip Off Israeli Flags off their Neighbors Properties

These are not Arab children, These are Jewish children taught as infants to hate the country they live in. They are not taught to have any "hakoras hatoiv". 

Laughing this off as children just being mischievous will not lead to "achdus" 
Where are the parents? 
There are only two places that a car cannot display an Israeli flag in Israel
In Ramala and in Beit Shemesh Bet 
How sad


Anonymous said...

The Israeli government has means to educate these hoologans:
Reduce the school subsidies in the areas where these kids are educated.
Reduce their Bituach Leumi if they don't come to a mandatory 4 weeks civic study class.
Subject them to a thorough tax audit.
Hit them where it hurts the most: their pocket book.

Professor Ryesky said...

The kid in the upper lefthand photo looks a little like Alfred E. Neuman.

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The halakha is really irrelevant to them, isn't it.