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Monday, May 16, 2022

Bennett weighing removing terrorists' families to Gaza


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday night ordered the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet to examine the option of demolishing Israeli terrorists' homes and removing terrorists' families from Judea and Samaria to Gaza, as per Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar's (New Hope) proposal, Galatz reported.

The report is sourced to three ministers who participated in the Sunday evening meeting. Both of the proposed processes are legally complex and there is opposition within the defense echelon as well.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, it is estimated that Bennet is trying to present a right-wing diplomatic stance, in light of the possibility that Israel may soon hold new elections.

According to the report, Sa'ar said during the discussion that, "We need to advance the demolition of terrorists' homes in Israel as well, and weigh removal from Judea and Samaria to Gaza. This is crucial in light of the current situation."

On the demolitions, Sa'ar said that the legal side is prepared.

Bennett responded with an instruction that the National Security Council examine the issue, adding, "We need to see what else is possible in this current [terror] wave, what other tools we have against terror."

The Prime Minister's office responded to Galatz by saying, "We do not discuss what is said in Cabinet meetings."


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Honestly, I don't know why this hasn't come up before. "You want a Palestine with all the Jews removed? Fine, we want an Israel with all the Arabs removed. We'll pull all our Jews out but you have to take all our Arabs. Oh, what did you say? No, you just want the Jews out?"

Anonymous said...

Why stop at Gaza? Remove them 40 kilometers further west!!