“You’re making a huge mistake.”
These were the words Sarah heard over and over from her friends and family in Holland. They couldn’t understand why a girl from a good Christian family would choose to be an Orthodox Jew. And Sarah had stopped trying to explain. Her heart was set. And so she began the journey that would eventually lead to being disowned by her loved ones, all in the name of the pursuit of Truth.
When Sarah Zanderheiden came to Israel for a visit, she was blown away by how different it was from her native Holland. Her home country is one of the capitals of European Western values in the world. As a child she had always felt something was missing. As Sarah timidly stepped forward to the kotel for the first time, and saw the Jewish women around her deep in prayer, she felt an inexplicable urge to cry. This was the truth she had been looking for.
For two years, Sarah studied Torah and she recently became officially Jewish. Next he is set to tackle her greatest dream yet: Building her own Jewish family and home. Sarah is engaged to a young man who has also had his share of challenges: He is an orphan who spent his childhood being passed from foster family to foster family.
The couple have no family, no money, no security - and they could not be happier.
I want to thank DIN readers who up to this point contributed over $10,000.00 to this campaign...
I know that this is primarily here as a fundraiser but it is touching and moving to hear such a beautiful story. May their home be filled with ברכה וסייעתא דשמיא
I don't see any link?
Click on "Sarah"
Just tried it, the link is broken?
The link doesn't work and the fundraiser is no longer on The Chesed Fund website.
Do you know why it was removed?
Here is the link again ... i just got on ...
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