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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Satmar Rebbe Monroe Calls Viznitzer Chassidim "Mechallei Shabbos"


R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe, calls himself the "Moreh D'asrah" of Kiryat Yoel, and expects all residents to abide by his "fatwas" 

But this is a dream and far from reality, and not practical, since many residents follow R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, his brother that lives in Williamsburg, and there are the Bnei Yoel who do not follow either of them.

The town of Kiryat Yoel has expanded, and Viznitz from Williamsburg, bought property in Kiryas Yoel and recently opened a Shul and a Yeshiva on the outskirts.

 So what's the problem?

Satmar Chassidim abide by the later "zman" of the Rabbeinu Tam, and Viznitz holds the regular "Zman" they are not "makpid" to wait Moitzei Shabbos for the later "Rabbeinu Tam" zman!

When R' Aron got wind of that, he publicly questioned whether Viznitz are being "mechalil Shabbos" 

 Just so you know, the Rabbeinu Tam lived over 1,000 years ago and since then there hasn't been a rabbi in the world that ruled that if someone doesn't do the later zman of the Rabbeinu Tam he is being a "mechalel shabbos"

But I guess, this has little to do with halacha and much to do with power; they are openly defying him. The Rebbe did send a delegation to the Viznitz yeshiva to inform them whose boss, telling  them that they are being "poiretz geder".  They listened politely but continue to end Shabbos early.

Now I must say that he may have a point, because  Kiryas Yoel was founded by his uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l who I'm sure established the town so that the residents would follow Satmar minhagim.. as the saying goes "When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do"


Anonymous said...

DIN, you're saying Teitelbaum is a getchke (shaman) like the emperor's of Rome? With the power to enforce his rule and will on others?

It's avoida zura (idolatry). Ones interpretation of the Torah can not be coerced on others. Every person must follow what they truly believe is correct and yosher (equitable). One is not allowed to follow a getchke's (shaman's) will or rules.

Especially if it's known that the getchke (shaman) is involved or covers up znis (sexual exploitation) and violence for money and power.

Frum but normal said...

Why would this even be news, after all this same FARSHTUNKENER BAL GAIVAH, gave out another fatwa, that anyone getting married in Kiryas Joel and is not using him as MESADER KEDUSHIN, the marriage is not valid, and the children born are considered PASSUL, they are born out of wedlock.
This sewer rat, has even ordered the KAHILA to keep a list of all the children (its already over 100) born to these couples, in order people should avoid doing SHIDUCHIN with them.
What an evil monster

getchke (shaman) Mafia said...

Frum, how much does he charge per wedding for his MESADER KEDUSHIN (marriage vows) racket?

This in addition to all the other rackets. Wedding hall, caterer, and all the required stuff parents "must" buy and spend as "taught" in their schools. To live above means and steal from the government, banks and insurance companies. Then also from goyim and yiddisha goyim. Then when you marry off your kids, you must steal from anyone you can to make sure your kids continue living above means.

That's on top of their tuition rackets, private tutoring and kosher certifications rackets. Only their certification is kosher, right? What percent of kids do they require private tutoring, 40%, 80% ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, following getchkes (shamans) is hell on earth. Isn't living in Iran much easier?

The Satmer misgarim meimas (provoking the nations) is another racket and scam. You're supposedly not allowed to provoke Arabs on donkeys but you must provoke all your neighbors with mega weapons in the USA and steal from them, their banks and insurance companies.

Of course you must steal from the government. The pshetel (rationale) is "If only they would know that Jews must live above their means" (to pay off their getchke-shaman rackets) the government would of qualified us to get welfare with higher incomes." I'm not kidding, this is exactly what is taught in all the schools.

Anonymous said...

Rabbeinu Tam did not live over 1000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The Satmar putz VIN is framing this like Satmar are the good guys, how dare Vizhnitz do what they want after Satmar 'respectfully' requested they fall in line, and insinuates that as a next step it would justified to get violent against insolent Vizhnitz

Anonymous said...

Is this the reason he needs to racketeer against the Viznitz-ers?

What has Hasidic Judaism become? Isn't a Palestinian on a donkey throwing rocks more kosher and happier than this?

Anonymous said...

Lol, New York is now the Cheleme (fools village) capital of the world. All Cheleme rabbis bow to the NY 4 getchkes (shamans).

So true what someone posted here: