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Monday, August 16, 2021

Poland to reexamine Israeli youth trips...


I also think that it's time to reassess the crazy idiotic "Yurzeit" excursions ASAP. No Jew, especially children of survivors should step on that dirty bloody Polish soil. The "dead" rebbes will forgive you if you don't spend a penny in those murderous countries and instead would pray on your behalf if you donated that money to Israeli poor. 

Take those kids to Yad Ve'Shem instead and teach them how Poles helped the Nazis murder Jews.

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński announced Monday that Poland would reassess the educational visits of Israeli youth to Poland as the diplomatic spat between the country's over Poland's Holocaust restitution law continues.

Jabłoński said that the "educational trips from Israel to Poland do not take place in a proper manner [and are conducted] in a way that hatred of Poland sometimes seeps into the minds of young people. We will examine the issue in depth because it is clear that the way these tours take place is not the right way."

The Polish parliament on Wednesday approved a law restricting claims on Jewish property looted from Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. The bill was signed into law by Polish President Andrzej Duda on Saturday.

The bill prevents the restitution of Jewish property, or compensation for it, to Holocaust survivors and their descendants. The proposed legislation, which will apply in retrospect, will make it almost impossible to appeal decisions made on the subject of stolen property more than 30 years ago.

The law would affect about 90 percent of restitution claims.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid downgraded ties with Poland over the law's passage, calling the law "anti-Semitic" and "unethical."

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki criticized Lapid's response to the law, saying: “The decision of Israel to downgrade its diplomatic representation in Warsaw lacks justification and any sense of responsibility. The words spoken by [Israeli Foreign Minister] Yair Lapid enrage every upstanding person.

“I strongly object to all attacks on Poland’s ambassador, Marek Magierowski,” he added. “The result of such aggressive actions on the part of Israel’s government are an increase in hatred of Poland and its citizens. 

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