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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Meah Shearim "perverts" Splash Water on Passing Girls

The woman in the video yells up to the "pervert" in Meah Shearim that just spilled water from the balcony of his home on the girls walking under his cursed window, and asks him if that's Torah? "are you crazy, cut off your peyes or be a person, what a Chillul Hashem, what a chutzpah"

She then turns around to the girls and explains in English, that "we are Chabad and we love every Jew and we don't behave that way" 

The Meah Shearim extremists are like the Shvartza in the Bronx, where a white guy cannot go into their neighborhoods safely but they can go to all white neighborhoods.

I sincerely believe that those spilling water on girls are perverts and use  frumkeit as an excuse. The girls are all dressed tzneesdik but of course not to his sick standards .

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