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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Lady Cops Pose In Front of Belzer Aron Hakoidesh

  If you are a frum lady, and you want to stand in front of the Belzer Aron Kodesh they will scream and yell at you "Shiksa Arois"

But if you are not frum and wear pants in a Police Uniform, then you can mix and stand with men with your bottom facing the Aron Hakoidesh ...

Can you imagine what the Chareidim would do if they saw a photo like this but in a Conservative Shul?


na said...

This is the police force that looked the other way when Belz ignored all the covid rules. This tour was part of the wining and dining offered to them as a thank you and an investment for the upcoming Tishre when their services will be needed once more....

na said...

to be more exact, the Jerusalem Police just last week "closed" the investigation regarding the Belz wedding of last year. it all makes sense now.