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Saturday, August 7, 2021

How was is it possible for someone to get into a top security area in the State Dept to Carve a Swastika on a Elevator door without getting caught


Last Monday, some pathetic little bigot cut a big Nazi swastika into the wooden paneling of elevator 36 at the US Department of State.

Elevator 36 isn't a service elevator open to any passing tradesman, nor is it open to the public. It's not even in one of the corridors used for VIP tours. 

It's in a security area behind a screening gate, only credentialed employees can have access to it, so whoever is responsible works in a nearby office. There are cameras are all over!

So how did he manage to get away with it? 

I'm sure they know who the culprit is, but are keeping it under wraps, as this guy is probably very high up in the ranks in the State Department...

The State Department are known Arabists and are vicious anti-Semites who actually helped wanted Nazis escape and hired them to work for them.... 

John Loftos a former high level US government prosecutor and former intelligence officer has documented all this in a book.

So who is this guy?

A swastika was found carved into the wall of an elevator inside the State Department’s main headquarters in Washington, DC, on Monday, officials said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the hateful vandalism in a Tuesday message to department employees and said the swastika has been removed.

“As this painfully reminds us, antisemitism isn’t a relic of the past,” Blinken said in the message.

“It’s still a force in the world, including close to home. And it’s abhorrent. It has no place in the United States, at the State Department, or anywhere else. And we must be relentless in standing up and rejecting it,” said Blinken.

Blinken, the stepson of a Holocaust survivor, said the incident is under investigation.

1 comment:

George said...

And that's why Gd invented phones with cameras that record video