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Thursday, August 5, 2021

"" Hamodia'' encourages Chareidim to Fly With "goyishe" Airlines, despite that El Al is owned by a Frum Jew

The world's Jewish population is less than the population of all of the kindergarten classes in China. 

You would think that Jews especially "Torah Jews'' would want to support businesses that are owned by their fellow Jews. 

Not a chance.

The Gerer Rebbe flew ''Delta"" this week on his visit to New York, despite the fact that El Al is now owned by a shomer Torah Umitvois.

The Gerer Rebbe is a multi-millionaire, so his decision to support ''Goyim" was not a financial one, this was not a question of the price of the ticket.

To make matters worse, the Israeli  Hamodia, a Gerer backed newspaper, encouraged its readers to fly an airline owned by goyim, instead of encouraging Jews to support their own.

This post is not about someone who has a limited budget and must fly the cheapest way.



Anonymous said...

Look at the top. It's a paid advertisement.

Anonymous said...

This Rebbe is an unmitigated disaster for his Chassidus!
His raison d'etre is to fight his cousin the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Shaul Alter.