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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Extremist Is Mechanich" his Children To Curse R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Aaron Kotler, R' Nissim Karelitz, R' Aron from Belz etc.


Someone is definitely supporting him and his mamzeirim, the question is who?

He is calling Gedoiei Yisrael "Yemach Shemom" a word reserved for Hitler YM"S

No he is not at all crazy... the ones crazy are those who see this and laugh it off ...

Can you imagine if a Modern Orthodox Jew would be on a corner and cursing the Satmar Rebbe? How long do you think that would go on?

Someone should call the Welfare Dept so they can take his children away, this is child abuse.


Ma Rabbi said...

Who is this nutcase and where is this happening?
Is this here or in Israel?

Zako said...

To Ma Rabbi said:

in Monsey NY

lessor said...

Looks like America, maybe Catskill, but his Yiddish is pure Yerushalmi. No chassidish pronunciations.

Monsey Marmorosher said...

Is he from the beis medrash in Chestnut Ridge where a largely Satmar BUM crowd took a boatload of money that the Rebbe fundraised and are now trying to get rid of him in gantzen? (He's a minor Rebbe in recognition but major in learning). Those guys are scum of the earth that a shtick dreck fin a heent has more yiras Shomayim than they do!

Sam green said...


Monsey said...

The Chestnut Ridge place is on New Ackertown I think. Those low lives live in a bubble. They think no one looks down at them but many rabbonei Monsey hold that neighborhood is the armpit of Rockland County & beyond. No yiras Hashem cuts right to the heart of the matter. They are even spying on veiber in swimming pools & private bedrooms. When someone is moyche they violently riot with hafgonos that they are mechanech their kids in.

Satmar Poop said...

Satmar thug Shia Mandel who is the shnorrer for Poop-ah has made his headquarters in that Chestnut place. Now that there is no Rebbe dorten, that oylam have graduated Shia from their Moshiach Sheker to Unoichee Shia eloiheycha

Now run along you bunch of misfits even for Satmar! Shtipping, fawning, starry eyed & trying to get your shmitzik hentilach on Shia. But please, only one tipesh at a time to pepper him with questions: Vus tracht men veggen dus, Shia? Vus tracht men veggen deym, Shia? Your pied piper getchkeh has no savlunnes for you ploppering out of line!

Anonymous said...

You write "Imagine if a modern Orthodox Jew would curse Satmar Rebbe" If you listen carefully you would see this guy does just that! In his chutzhpadik yemach shemoi rants being mevaze gedolei olam, he mentions the Beirach Moshe of Satmar Zt"l who he refers to as (R') "Moishe Sigiter". The guy is obviously nuts and represents no one but himself.