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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Christians Answer Ariel Gold the "Self Hating Jew" that Tweeted "Zionism is one of the greatest tragedies of our long history"

Sounds crazy ..yes? 
She is actually saying nothing different than Satmar & Neturei Karta ideology, and now the "non-working" Litvishe like the "meraglim" have jumped on the bash Israel campaign.
 Should we surprised when an ignorant fool like Ariel Gold parrots similar lines?
So now we are offended because she isn't a chusid, but if she covered her hair with a non- lace sheitel and wore bullet proof stockings and spoke a "heimishe" Yiddish than she would be praised by the holy Chassidim and Lakewood.
We now need a Christian group to defend Israel...what a shame!


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