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Monday, August 2, 2021

Chareidie Rabbanim Find a New "Issur" to torture us .....'3D goggles might bring disaster upon the Jewish people'


Charedi rabbis' opposition to computers, the internet, smartphones, and a host of other tech devices is well-established, but now it appears that they have targeted a new threat – 3D viewing technology.

Considering that the technology is not in overly wide use, it is unclear why Haredi rabbis have taken a strong stance against it, but it could have to do with the fact that 3D viewing devices have been introduced at some archaeological sites, such as the Western Wall tunnels.

The Haredi website Be'Hadrei Hadarim published a letter from a committee of rabbis representing various Hassidic sects and Haredi communities that opposed modern technology, attacking 3D goggles in the harshest terms.

"As we all know, the dangers of technology reinvent themselves every day … heaven forbid that we should encounter the corrupting device known as '3D goggles – augmented reality, which even comes to us in the guise of being 'kosher' and carrying the scent of sanctity, but after studying the reality and clarifying things, the extent of the disaster these devices could bring to the holy people has been made clear," the rabbis wrote.

"Recently, the aforementioned device has been marketed for use with innocent games, when the truth is that this is an advanced, dangerous technological device that entails the danger of watching and growing addicted to movies and technological games, even more so in '3D,' which pulls the heart even farther away than it has been thus far," the letter warned.

"Therefore we have agreed that according to the Torah, this device is not worth of entering holy communities, and it must not be purchased or used in any manner, not even at public events, and certainly not advertised or sold," the rabbis said.


DIN gets Results said...

The so called Hasidic account bashing Litvisher as "Shkutzim" has been suspended by Twitter

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ash said...

Link to article in Hebrew?

Moisheh said...

the truth is it's prob the best way to watch porn with no-one but god himself able to see what's on your screen.

Avi's Tuches said...

Only perverts think like you